Example sentences of "that [pers pn] work [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I see this point of view from my own position as a third generation commuter between Harrogate and Leeds , and as a third generation commuter I do n't feel that it is a commentary on any absence of jobs in Harrogate or any shortage of jobs in Harrogate that I work in Leeds and live in Harrogate , it 's just something I 've grown up to think of as natural .
2 I have already mentioned that I worked in Derbyshire .
3 That pronunciation is a mistake that I made all the time that I worked in Scotland and I know the sensitivities which it aroused .
4 Ways of getting Tony Dorigo 's mum to join the list — we are informed that she works in Brum for the computing industry 's equivalent of Leeds United , the multi-national giants Digital .
5 If the firm that you work for closes down , it will usually be beyond dispute that you are redundant .
6 I just feel that you know , if you if in the seventh year they get the opinion that you work in school and you do nowt out of school come ninth year , tenth year , eleventh year you ai n't gon na change it !
7 ‘ We understand that you worked at Liveseys ' , some time ago . ’
8 By the very fact that we work for Wimpey we give an image of the Company to everyone who knows that .
9 Critics suggest the wage bill element is excessive ; the church authorities argue that they work with people through people .
10 but that surprised the man in the queue and yet interestingly I think that and she said I was right in my assumption that that is part of the partnership philosophy of John Lewis that they work in partnership with their staff and in partnership with the community and they make their profit which is generated to start through the community which they sell to and therefore they quietly give back without wanting to play their own trumpets and in a sense I think that 's how it should be .
11 Three additional parents reported that they worked on contract at nuclear sites and had been monitored for exposure to radiation before their child was diagnosed ( one father of a case , after conception ; one father of a control , before conception ; one mother of a control , before conception ) .
12 Many subsequently returned to their homes , all over the Soviet Union , where the local doctors may not know that they worked at Chernobyl and may therefore not recognise subsequent cancers or other problems as radiation-linked .
13 So that it works like clockwork .
14 There is evidence that it works in terms of reoffending , but there are lots of other indices like home life , burden on the welfare .
15 He says that he worked at Emma 's request to produce a record of the deeds which touched upon the honour of her and hers , and the oldest surviving manuscript , which is very close to the author 's original , may be the copy she received : it contains a miniature which shows an ecclesiastic presenting a book to a woman while two figures , presumably her sons Harthacnut and Edward , look on .
16 Her wakefulness was dogged by growing anxiety over the day ahead ; had her mother told Jennifer that David was back in the country , that he worked at OBEX ?
17 Middlesbrough-born Alf has been chief personnel officer with Middlesbrough council since 1974 and before that he worked for Teesside county borough council .
18 All the cops know about Mahoney is that he worked for Joey Bonanza .
19 My own assessment before we had the check would have been that he worked within C.N.D. because he was a committed C.N.D. member rather than working in C.N.D. in order to further the interests of the Communist Party .
20 A novel has therefore these two interrelated modes of existence — as a fiction , and as a text ; and , to adapt Lodge 's statement to our own purpose , it is as text-maker that the novelist works in language , and it is as fiction-maker that he works through language .
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