Example sentences of "that [noun pl] [be] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Thus far there 's very little evidence that employers are taking this on board .
2 Moore does not suggest that employers are wholly blinkered : it might be , for example , that employers are finding increased educational and job opportunities have meant a less able body of pupils are applying for apprenticeships .
3 The man who accepts authority is thus said to surrender his private or individual judgment because he does not insist that reasons be given that he can grasp and that satisfy him , as a condition of his obedience .
4 A white paper is expected at the end of this month in response to the Griffiths Report , which recommended that authorities be given greater responsibility for the mentally handicapped .
5 ‘ My husband has looked into Nahum 's affairs , as there was no one else to do it , and has been shocked to find that debts were mounting weekly . ’
6 Each one has a courage which controls his fear and subdues his emotions so that risks are made responsible and commitments in the face of danger are carefully calculated .
7 Most interesting of all was the abandonment of early attempts at traffic restraint , using ‘ rest and play area ’ signs and physical measures to ensure that drivers were made aware that very low speed limits were in force .
8 Possible explanations for a difference between older and younger women are that the operation has a delayed effect , that the operative technique has changed over the years so that it is less likely to affect bowel function , or that gynaecologists are doing fewer operations on women with pelvic pain of intestinal origin .
9 Like most British national trails , many continental distance routes assume that walkers are travelling light and seeking a roof over their heads each night .
10 Also within the /a/ system , however , there is a high incidence of back varieties of /a/ : in BV , this vowel is realized in certain following consonantal environments as a long , back vowel , which is in many contexts virtually identical to RP ( as in RP dance , bath ) ; on a superficial view we may therefore be tempted to believe that speakers are adopting this external norm .
11 The reflective analyst of language , however , will see that words are playing this double role and how their meaning thereby incorporates the specific values of just one possible type of society .
12 Is he not interested in ensuring that building skills are available and , more importantly , that homes are made available in the right place and at the right time ?
13 Well increasingly we see that organizations are recognizing that effective use of information as a corporate resource manipulated and manageable as a whole can be of a tremendous competitive advantage and the client server has become the most effective way of exploiting and leveraging that resource .
14 It is important that visitors be made welcome on the way in rather than left until they are on the way out .
15 The children 's charity , Barnardos , says that poverty in Britain is so bad that parents are going hungry so that the children can eat .
16 We find that parents are going hungry in order to leave food for their children .
17 If they do , it is important to you and us that matters are put right quickly , courteously and effectively .
18 While noting that Parolles is given some kind of dignity in verse , we should also observe that Shakespeare seldom ends a scene with a soliloquy in prose — Thersites and Falstaff are the only characters who do so more than once .
19 Another sign of the times is that dealers are taking smaller spaces .
20 Does he accept that there should still be a future for the tube division despite the fact that workers are seeing imported tubes used in the North sea when they are capable of making them ?
21 The Bill proposes that hoards be kept intact and that the practise of paying the full market value of the objects to the finder should be extended to the entire hoard .
22 The law was introduced after the discovery that crematoriums were emitting toxic pollutants .
23 Research identified that retailers were using cheap methods of display which had been around since the 1950's .
24 The second step is that really frankly the history of all great civil rights and human rights movements has sadly been that it 's often only through challenging the law , indeed even breaking the law , that injustices are put right .
25 He explained payments in eight monthly instalments may give the impression that tenants were paying more but it covered the full year .
26 The Inland Revenue is investigating allegations that huntsmen are evading paying tax on a million pound trade in animal skins .
27 As has been seen , the futures market presents a particular challenge to the regulator to ensure that investors are given adequate protection from the potentially high risks and volatility involved in the futures market whilst at the same time ensuring that the efficient operation of the markets is not unduly impeded .
28 The ebullient Mr Clarke — combative , frank and untainted by the shamelessly cavalier manner of Mr Lamont — has a better chance of persuading Britons that things are getting better .
29 Everyone knows that serious problems occur on main roads in Edinburgh and that things are getting worse .
30 I think , Bill , Pauline 's expressing the frustration that we feel , that as David was saying earlier , as Christians we feel particularly that we are called to serve people like this in great trouble , and yet sometimes you think , you know , however many times I try erm there seems to be many people for whom erm all my effort gets nowhere , and I feel that things are getting worse in society and one feels more and more helpless and hopeless , and therefore there 's a kind of frustration erm that builds up here erm
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