Example sentences of "that [art] [det] [noun sg] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Yesterday the Perth Daily News also claimed that the former executive who organised the alleged tapping approached the CIA in an attempt to discredit Lonrho , one of Mr Bond 's most vociferous critics .
2 So the least , if fact I I 'm fairly safe in saying , that the least commission you can earn on an ad , providing it 's in our you know you 're taking it from our price system not discounted it ,
3 And when he looked at her in mystification , as well he might , she realised , she went on , ‘ I 'd no idea until this morning that the same Naylor who came for you yesterday morning is my new boss ! ’
4 They knew that the same power he used to move them moved him .
5 Possibly it is not too much of an exaggeration to say that the more flexibility your employer retains in framing your job duties , the harder he may find it to argue that you are redundant .
6 On the political side , Taiwanese worry that the more money they invest in China , the more vulnerable they will be to manipulation by the Chinese government .
7 Second , most workers believe that the more time they spend searching for a job , the more likely it is that they will obtain one which meets their requirements , particularly in so far as the wage rate and working conditions are concerned .
8 They feel that the more control they can exercise over their surroundings , the safer life will be for them .
9 The reason for reducing the event 's costs is that the less money which is spent on the gig means that more money goes to the artist .
10 Another important point is that the less time you have in which to do something , the more it costs because you start to run into things like overtime and special delivery payments , rush jobs and so on .
11 Fearing criticism if their bulk supply costs were better known ( unsustainable assertions on off-peak generating costs had been made to the Ministry ) , they felt that the less guidance they got in tariff making from the Authority 's bulk supply tariff the better .
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