Example sentences of "that [pron] get from the " in BNC.

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1 I give all the children vitamin drops that I get from the clinic but I sometimes wonder whether they 're really necessary .
2 And then the other one is the one that I got from the library by Luhmann .
3 I know it was like that when we had it , well all these mugs that you get from the petrol station are all seconds any way
4 Er we got through it.Erm and when you think there was no money from anywhere but that five shillings a week that we got from the , from the er I think it was called the Board of Guardians , I 'm not sure , and er we survived .
5 The services that we get from the public sector affect all our lives and cost a great deal of money .
6 I hope that people will look at the real record of improvement in the NHS , not the misrepresentations that they get from the Labour party .
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