Example sentences of "that [pron] be [v-ing] the " in BNC.

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1 At first , we thought everyone else was booming while we were down in the dumps , but from talking to other businessmen you realise that everyone is suffering the same . ’
2 My complaint about reviews so far is that everyone is reviewing the man Larkin and not the biography of him .
3 By the time we get to the jarv tracks I am over it , putting it down to a poor night 's sleep and a wearing day that have combined so that I am feeling the cold more than I normally do .
4 If I 'm holding anything , so that I 'm holding the hand in one position for a long time
5 For even if we achieve the objective of a full franchise then the purpose of that full franchise will not work for disabled people if they do n't have full access to polling stations , they only then have the alternative of using postal or proxy votes and not exercising their franchise in the same way that able-bodied people er will do and their full right are part of the measure that I 'm seeking the house to agree that I should pursue .
6 But I 'm sticking my neck out : one squeak from the FBI that I 'm breaching the UKUSA agreement and my own Service will swing the big axe …
7 ‘ And ask General Dornberg to tell the Prince 's Chief of Staff that I 'm watching the Charleroi road , ’ Sharpe added .
8 But I just imagine that I 'm wearing the most beautiful blue dress , and a big hat with flowers on , and blue shoes , and then I 'm happy !
9 There are , there are other ways to come by children , erm I have a relationship with a man who has three children erm he 's been married , he 's divorced , separated , and I do n't feel that I 'm replacing the children 's own mother , I feel like I 'm not even stepmother , I 'm just their friend , get on very well with them , and we we share I share mothering , if you like , with their own mother whom they see .
10 It 's not that I 'm denying the validity of acting , it 's just that it 's not as important to me .
11 ‘ I used not to , my dear , but I find that I 'm feeling the cold as I get older .
12 With only ten days to go , this was a disaster ( not that I 'm blaming the Council — there was probably misunderstanding on both sides ; I had no idea they worked on such a miniscule budget , and they for their part probably expected expenditure in the hundreds , rather than the thousands .
13 I 'm not even sure that I 'm doing the right course .
14 And just in case it is suggested that I 'm saying the end justifies the means , let me confirm that I 'm not .
15 erm And as I said , we 're trying to , not that I 'm giving the opposite view to Doctor Plumtree , as I said , we 're trying to fund the people on the front line , you know , the foresters in their back yard , as it were , we 're trying to preserve it , and we also feel we 're not being patronising , it 's not like we 're writing out a large cheque and saying ’ here you are ’ , we 're actually putting a lot of time and effort into this , I mean , it 's now become a full time job for me and certainly for Dave Kester , and all the other people working on it .
16 And anyway , after all , it was nothing to say , I mean , that I was taking the towels over for you . ’
17 ‘ I always , ’ he explains , ‘ had the feeling that I was taking the club back straight for the first two feet of the backswing but now I am taking it slightly inside .
18 I 'm not ashamed to admit that I was encountering the vast majority of the fish on show for the first time .
19 Blood from my arm came streaming back into my face , in spite of the fact that I was holding the stump as tightly as I could .
20 At the north-western tip of the island I picked malotira , on the long empty golden beach of Phalasarna , thinking from its exotic perfume that I was gathering the famous dittany of Crete which grows nowhere else but on this island .
21 ‘ Shee-it , ’ I said , and felt guilty that I was leaving the island without sharing the chicken dinner that Sarah Straker was doubtless cooking for me at that very moment .
22 These people , due to my being a prostitute , wanted me to distribute these disgusting videos and by finding this booklet which gave details and prices it pinpointed the fact that I was telling the truth .
23 A harassed young intern assisted by a cool , pretty nurse ( called Ruth , from Stanmore ) told me that I was bucking the statistical trend by having three fingers smashed between the knuckle and the phalangeal joint .
24 The rent was one shilling and tenpence for each dwelling — I remember the amount because Miss Young went to the Church Vestry to pay for both herself and her neighbour each Saturday morning at the same time that I was collecting the pensions for the Almshouse Ladies .
25 When he did see that I was speaking the truth , he was bewildered and hurt .
26 I had to go upstairs to tell the woman above that I was using the bathroom , because if she walked about above , the plaster fell off .
27 He pointed out that although my title was an attractive one — since there was such a thing as a ‘ servile ’ society , namely a totalitarian one — the reader would assume that I was using the word liberal in the modern sense , which was certainly not my intention , He then went meticulously through my argument , and it almost pained me that he should take so much trouble over a work which I can not think it deserved .
28 ‘ As a cover , I had told everybody that I was remixing the original Abba songs .
29 The more I researched , the more I realised that I was missing the dog that did n't bark — and that was all the stuff that was being done by women to men , that nobody wanted to talk about .
30 When they left , however , and I made the decision to stay , I knew it might be hard for me but I knew also that I was doing the right thing .
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