Example sentences of "that [pron] be [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 Are you pleased with me — that I 'm to manage the London branch of the Maison de Verveine ? ’
2 Since I knew that I was to have the privilege of addressing this seminar , I have studied with great textual care the document issued by the federation under the title Dear Fellow Citizen because it appeared to me that it was ‘ the brief ’ for what I was to say to you .
3 But Wallasey MP Angela Eagle said today that she is to raise the matter in Parliament .
4 But Wallasey MP Angela Eagle said today that she is to raise the matter in Parliament .
5 However , I regret that it does not appear that she is to address the Council of Europe , of which the hon. Gentleman and I are Assembly members .
6 Mrs Thatcher will today announce that she is to double the British contribution of £3 million to the UN Environment Project in Nairobi and give new money to tropical rain forest schemes .
7 France was an ally of the US and it was as such that she was to receive the greater part of the half a billion dollars in military assistance for the Far East which had been appropriated by Congress .
8 Although there were six central government departments concerned in one way or another with inner cities , the Prime Minister made it plain that she was to spearhead the inner city campaign and in 1987 , to demonstrate the seriousness of the government 's intent , a cabinet committee on the inner cities was established with Mrs Thatcher as its chairperson .
9 Suppose now that one were to envisage the introduction of twenty-member super-constituencies in the United Kingdom .
10 Burma , Laos and Cambodia have announced that they are to join the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species ( CITES ) .
11 In all he found fifty-one trades which received girls as apprentices , many of which paid premiums comparable to those for boys , suggesting that they were to learn the craft .
12 Councillors decided to press ahead with the prosecutions despite the Government 's recent announcement that it 's to review the Sunday Trading laws .
13 no I think that it 's to get the vocabulary various classes of people and varies age group
14 IBM Corp has shocked all Manhattan — or at any rate New York 's chattering classes — by announcing that it is to close the Gallery of Science & Art , an extremely popular gallery for visiting art exhibitions in the basement of its tower on Madison Avenue : it says it will try to find the seven employees of the gallery other jobs in the company , without holding out very much hope .
15 Shrugging off the distressing four-day kidnapping ordeal of its president , Adobe Systems Inc , Mountain View , California has come out with a whole string of announcements , headlined by the news that it is to make the Display PostScript system available to users of Sun Microsystems Inc Sparcstations .
16 THE Bank of Scotland has announced that it is to cut the monthly rate of interest on its Classic Visa Card and Bank Mastercard from 1.8 per cent to 1.63 per cent .
17 On Nov. 25 the new coalition government announced that it was to close the prison in the north-western town of Eskisehir where human rights groups had alleged that torture of political prisoners took place .
18 A final decision is expected in the next two weeks , although the Government yesterday refused to confirm or deny reports that it was to scrap the registers .
19 On Aug. 31 the World Food Programme , the main co-ordinator of the UN relief effort in Somalia , had announced that it was to double the volume of UN food aid from the original 68,000 tonnes to 140,000 tonnes .
20 On March 15 the Interior Ministry announced that it was to drop the charges pending against about 6,000 people for illegal political activities during the regime of Gen. Hossain Mohammad Ershad .
21 The Turkish government announced on Aug. 19 that it was to recall the troops operating across the border .
22 Most obviously , its rising trade-union support ensured that it was to become the party of the working class , a process which was speeded up by the split within the Liberal Party during the First World War .
23 I spoke a few introductory words , the young man displayed his lantern slides , explained the plans and provided Wapping with a firm impression that it was to become the Venice of the East End .
24 The Soviet announcement in September 1989 that it was to dismantle the Krasnoyarsk radar station in Siberia ( see p. 36909 ) was followed by a statement on Oct. 23 , 1989 , by the Soviet Foreign Minister , Eduard Shevardnadze , who admitted for the first time that the location and orientation of the radar station constituted " a violation of the ABM treaty " .
25 " Well , the River Police suggest that it was to weight the body enough to keep it under water , but not to sink it .
26 One had a fairly strong feeling that part of their motivation was negative , in that it was to exclude the American participation , rather than positive — to build up the company .
27 In May 1991 the government announced that it was to rejoin the Union of Banana Exporting Countries ( UPEB ) which it had left four years before .
28 The IMF announced on Oct. 9 that it was to realign the currency weightings which were used to calculate the value of the special drawing right ( SDR — the unit in which its internal dealings and most of its loans were denominated ; for the last five-yearly review see p. 34140 ) .
29 When told that he was to become the recipient of the Peace Award , the normally eloquent Mr Gorbachov said ‘ words fail at such moments , I am moved ’ .
30 On his return to duty , and the award of a DSO , he was ordered to Bomber Command where Harris confirmed that he was to command the Pathfinder Force .
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