Example sentences of "that [art] [noun] [verb] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And anybody who comes to the dogs ’ home for a bitch will find that the price includes spaying .
2 In International Relations specifically there is much talk of competing paradigms , meaning not just that there are conflicting unrefuted theories but that the conflict reflects starting points which can hardly even be compared .
3 They said that the changes involve refusing to consider Europe and North America as the ‘ mirror ’ and rejecting the negative image that has been projected about Africa .
4 The point seems reinforced by the fact that the SD reports following the further repetition of the Hitler prophecy in the speeches of 24 February , 30 September , and 8 November 1942 , and 24 February and 21 March 1943 , make no mention of any reaction to the passage about the Jews .
5 It also asks that the trio cease using the name , correct any public misconceptions , destroy all papers mentioning ‘ Destiny ’ and pay attorney 's fees .
6 When I turned I saw a long patch of the fluorescent dye that the Germans carried staining the sea a light yellow-green but could not pick out the pilot .
7 Because we know that the rules keep changing slightly during the course of time , it does not follow that there should be no rules .
8 It dismisses the argument — previously relied on by the profession — that the public needs educating about the scope of the audit ; instead , it embraces all the criticisms , whether justified or not , and asks the world what it wants the Board to do about them .
9 The two companies assert that the system avoids reading errors as well as avoiding the need to have inspectors tramping round trying to read meters in empty houses whose occupants are all at work .
10 They usually say that the things called rising damp I said this
11 This was so successful that the army stopped cycling in some districts .
12 Since it is accepted that the consensus varies according to time and place , it is not clear how one distinguishes between a legitimate consensus and a deviant subculture .
13 The regularities he observed in this process suggest that the species behaves according to rules that limit the possible variety of behaviours that could occur as they meet one another .
14 Finally , with regard to cl 10 , it should be noted that no obligation to permit alteration of the goods to make them non-infringing is imposed on the buyer , and that the obligation to return infringing goods , subject to a refund of the price , is only imposed on the buyer where it arises not at the option of the seller but because of a judgment or settlement relating to the claim of infringement ( which is presumably not entirely within the seller 's control ) .
15 Critics also maintain that the government started appointing as Chairman and members of the Council people who were politically sympathetic to the Conservative cause .
16 Health Secretary , Kenneth Clarke has insisted in continuing with the case , arguing that the government risked establishing a dangerous precedent if it paid compensation when the N H S was not to blame .
17 Is it not time that the Government stopped selling arms to a country with such a brutal regime ?
18 As the Conservative party is on the point of becoming the third party in a four-party country at the by-election later this week , is it not time that the Government stopped giving Scotland what it does not want — nuclear waste and nuclear energy — and instead gave Scotland what it wants , which is direct encouragement for renewable energies in a country which the Minister himself described as rich in potential for such developments ?
19 It would not be surprising if you found that the work started arriving either only just on time or even late .
20 It was not until the pontificate of Pope John XIII , elected in 965 , that the Papacy began dating by the year of the Incarnation , but the practice was not uniformly adopted until the time of Pope Leo IX , elected in 1048 .
21 It reveals clearly that neither central nor local government should be seen as monolithic blocs and that the relationship varies according to the agencies , personnel , policy areas and goals involved .
22 She sensed that the boy remained standing motionless , gazing after her .
23 In some cases the effects of the blockage can be so severe that the heart stops beating altogether and this is called a cardiac arrest .
24 The end of the coil is closed , and it seems reasonable to assume that the animal started growing as a coiled shell .
25 The result was that the man left walking the beat had little of interest to do by way of responding to requests for emergency services …
26 The jury heard that the man denied living off her takings when interviewed by police .
27 Huy concluded that the man worked standing up .
28 Do you find knots of conflict that the writer keeps trying to unravel and then tie up again ?
29 fall in 1991 , is it not time that the Chancellor considered adopting the Labour party 's policy on investment ?
30 but they have found that in a lot of cases that the bones starts growing so therefore , when you 're in your late teens , twenties , maturing your bottom jaw is growing out from the rest of your jaw bone .
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