Example sentences of "that [adj] were the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He claimed that some were the work of Edward Prince , an artist who lived in the north of the city .
2 We were only later to learn that these were the Spinner Dolphins , the most acrobatic of all their family .
3 Both he and Eadmer had written their Histories down to 1120 without mentioning these texts , and it was only from the Canterbury monks that William of Malmesbury now learnt that these were the texts quoted by Lanfranc fifty years earlier .
4 Natural selection saw to it that these were the ones to survive so that in time the orang became substantially smaller .
5 The rest of the Latin text , which deals with both religious and secular matters , including the preparation of a fleet , seems also to be what they preached , and it ends by stating that these were the statutes issued by King Æthelred which the nobles promised to observe .
6 I realized , with some alarm , that these were the Quigley lips .
7 He told Americans that they were " good , decent , honest and open " and that these were the qualities that he intended to take to Washington .
8 But it is often implied that these were the result of particular social and political circumstances .
9 In order to show conscious memorising the employer will have to demonstrate that the complexity of the process or that the list of trade connections was so lengthy or important that an honest employee would have realised that these were the property of his employer .
10 It was only then I realised that these were the Visitor Centre people on their way to Ben Lawers , pockets stuffed with postcards of eagles and leaflets on natural birch forest regeneration .
11 Scientists compared the body 's genetic profiles with those of Mengele 's son and wife and established " with a very high level of certainty , but without absolute certainty , that these were the remains of Josef Mengele " .
12 He argued that these were the people on the front line .
13 Furthermore , the whole street and most of the homes within were kept in a remarkably high state of cleanliness , owing to the fact that these were the homes of many professional people , such as doctors , dentists , teachers , rabbis and Church of Scotland ministers .
14 It was alleged that these were the graves of victims of the occupying Soviet forces after the Second World War rather than of Nazi victims .
15 It turned out that these were the guys who run the show , the kingpins of British ufology .
16 The implication is that the dead king 's household had stayed together more or less formally and that these were the servants into whose care Edward V was given — an approach consonant with Gloucester 's apparent desire to preserve the status quo .
17 The implication is that the dead king 's household had stayed together more or less formally and that these were the servants into whose care Edward V was given — an approach consonant with Gloucester 's apparent desire to preserve the status quo .
18 At his London press conference he attacked a Northern Irish journalist 's complaint that ‘ We 've had all those films about the troubles in the North and we 're bored with them ’ by insisting that those were the films the people needed .
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