Example sentences of "that [verb] them [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The French struggled for nearly sixty minutes against a generous but raw Romania , ran riot against a Fijian side well below par and short of the menacing inspiration that made them a fearsome proposal in 1987 , while the game against Canada exposed the shortcomings that England later exploited with relish .
2 But so far neither has shown the tremendous flair with top-spin attacking that made them a major force in the world championships in Dortmund only seven months ago .
3 It means the League champions have gone 11 games unbeaten , a run that offers them a final placing that would erase much of the disappointment of a frustrating season that includes two defeats by Coventry .
4 At the Pattmore project in London and the Rosemount project in Glasgow for example , mothers are provided with adequate child care and it enables them to attend courses and gain skills and qualifications that give them a better chance in the job market .
5 They take jobs that allow them the maximum time at the waters edge , or they do not work at all .
6 What is interesting about them is that while the development corporations acquired powers that gave them a great deal of autonomy within their own territories , there is today a variety of questions to be raised about the extent to which their ‘ success ’ was secured at the expense of other policies to which they ‘ ought ’ to have related .
7 All of the walking species had the widely-splayed legs that gave them a slow and lumbering gait , but , in the absence of more streamlined animals , they prospered .
8 Capitalist economic relations were established in the countryside through the ‘ enclosures ’ , where land became the private property of landowners and the rural work-force was stripped of the land-use rights that gave them an independent source of subsistence .
9 DAVID PLATT celebrated his Italian league debut for Juventus yesterday with the goal that earned them a 2-2 draw at Genoa .
10 THE AUSTRALIANS have decided to concentrate on sevens with the same single-mindedness that won them the 15-a-side title last year .
11 For example , if the credit period were reduced for customers to pay their debts it is likely that sales would decrease as customers may trade with another company that gives them a greater period to pay .
12 Look for anything that gives them a better chance of following the plot .
13 so that gives them a little bit of introduction for each one
14 A basic skill that gives them the greatest start in life .
15 For those who work outside the home , out of many choices , it was their ‘ relationship with colleagues ’ that gives them the most satisfaction ( 80% ) , with flexibility of working hours ( 68% ) and pay ( 60% ) trailing behind .
16 And it is the freak subversive genius of this record that makes them the single most important rock band of our time .
17 Okay , but the item that licenses them the other licensing sentence you need in order to license these items , you ca n't just go anywhere in the sentence so sentence three , herself saw Florence is no good , even though Florence is there , it 's in the wrong place relative to herself and similarly six , anyone saw no one is no good , even though no one is in the sentence .
18 There are currently nearly ninety Remploy factories up and down the country which employ disabled people in productive work that earns them a reasonable wage .
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