Example sentences of "that [verb] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This crucial transition can take tadpoles of other species — those that develop in cold mountain streams , for example — two or even three years to complete .
2 A third source derived from Scandinavia where in 1935 F. Hjulstrøm published the results of field and laboratory investigations related to the River Fyris and identified relationships between stream velocity , particle size and the processes of erosion , transport and deposition that became of fundamental significance in sedimentology as well as in studies of geomorphologic processes .
3 Colonialism is not a dirty word at a new Fulham antique furniture shop that evokes with affectionate nostalgia the era of the Raj in India .
4 Evolutionism played only a minor role because it was associated with the old , rather amateurish techniques that led to unlimited speculation .
5 It was this suspicion that led to American intervention in the Republic of Guatemala in 1954 , and the establishment of a pro-American regime there ( p. 140 ) .
6 At best they are ‘ stills ’ from a sequence of actions ; and they can not portray anything that goes beyond visual observation .
7 Index Printers of Dunstable , 40 kilometres north of London , is responsible for the ‘ hardware ’ that goes into New Scientist and many other magazines .
8 Being unemployed also means that you are deprived of the social contacts and involvement in collective activity that goes with paid employment ; you lack its external stimulus to activity and time-structure ; and you lack the status and sense of value provided by a job and expressed in terms of social esteem as well as money .
9 The response in Britain was not quite so dramatic the National Grid was untroubled by the kind of power surge that goes with huge viewing figures .
10 There is one fundamental difference , however , between the material which is produced within a business and that produced for external consumption .
11 In the character of Natty Bumppo , aka Hawkeye , it created the ideal of American visionary heroism that persists in popular culture to this day .
12 The Orb 's first tune goes on and on ; a kind of broken , haunting sonata for new technology that builds with enormous subtlety .
13 Gasping at the totally unexpected movement , and the searing shock of his touch , Polly stared up into eyes that gleamed with cold fire .
14 Raking the comb through cropped curls that gleamed like polished mahogany , Polly tried to stifle her doubts and the nagging feeling that somehow she should have known there would be strings attached to Clive 's offer no matter how much he protested otherwise .
15 Accepted authorities on the writing of good English prose — the Fowler brothers and Arthur Quiller-Couch — agree on three rules that make for effective writing :
16 The cottages were small and damp , with earth floors and none of the cooking or sanitary arrangements that make for domestic comfort .
17 I have mentioned particular examples of qualities that make for high survival value among memes .
18 To have both a family and interesting work means a terrible struggle , and yet I think that those are the things that make for human happiness .
19 But what we are seeing now is the fragment of the body , the body experienced minutely ; we get an art by women that insists upon bodily experience as the subject for the work , as the process by which the work is made and as the process through which it is experienced .
20 The SH2 domains function as adaptors that bind to specific tyrosine residues ( see above ) .
21 There is no classical explanation for the slowing down ; however , the rate of energy loss is exactly that expected via gravitational radiation .
22 Some of the most difficult investigations involve aircraft that crash in deep water , frequently depriving the investigator of much of his evidence .
23 Urea is one of many metabolites that accumulates in renal failure .
24 Other studies have showed that profiting from agrarian reform can be combined with a more radical political commitment .
25 The new product consists of the software environment and a hardware peripheral that fits into networked Unix environments and is designed to run on almost any Unix workstation or X-terminal , the company claims .
26 It can certainly cause problems with a wide range of plants , but there are many others that suffer from high intensity of sunlight .
27 The RSPB also recommend that grants for on-farm forestry ( as proposed by the draft Structures Regulation ) should be included , but with emphasis on indigenous species .
28 He could see by the dark light that came down from the night sky , a sky that glowed with vivid city lights , that on stands in nearby cages other eagles were listening to his story and staring at him silently .
29 Adding new levies to fuel and power bills could be justified as environmentally friendly following the trend set in the US by President Clinton , and European Community plans to tax consumption that contributes towards global warming .
30 Editor , — There is a general perception that change in medical education is starting to occur .
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