Example sentences of "that [verb] [pron] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I do not say that to mislead you into thinking that Australia is a nasty poisonous place and you 're safe in good old Britain .
2 Very few studies have sought to position shoplifting within a broader social and political sphere , where women in particular are vulnerable to a consumer fetishism that drives them to lawbreaking
3 Close to the centre of Kitzbühel is this four-star hotel that prides itself on maintaining high standards .
4 As you 'd expect from the range that prides itself on keeping your garden in shape .
5 Of course , it was Genesis that got you into playing bass .
6 The main difficulty from our point of view was that AIB was not organised in a manner that lent itself to giving instruction .
7 NINE out is today 's bulletin but do n't let that fool you into thinking the whole nine would be in if they were available .
8 The kind of electric jab that stings you into pulling your tentacles back fast .
9 The emphasis of the New Testament is that Christ resisted the temptations thrown at him and it was this that qualified him for dying on the cross .
10 They should help small farmers , but not in a way that discourages them from getting larger or farming better : there must be no farming poverty trap .
11 Something happened that stopped me from going .
12 The only thing that worries me about taking that out is that you then create a massive empty space , if you have got
13 Most flesh-eating reptiles have simple spikes that prevent them from chewing their prey ; they have to gulp it down whole and then remain in a torpor for days or weeks to digest the meal .
14 Backed by the incessant thud of a drum machine , it 's only these electric rhythms that prevent them from tumbling into disorder .
15 We will continue our efforts to break down the barriers that prevent them from competing freely throughout Europe and in the wider world .
16 The difficulty encountered by the expertise theory in trying to demonstrate the legitimacy of corporate managerial power by showing that there are restraints on the discretion of the managers stems from its attempt to combine a deference to the judgments of business managers with an insistence that corporate managers are subject to fiduciary duties that prevent them from exercising their power for their own purposes or for other non-corporate ends .
17 Visually handicapped pupils are likely to need adaptations to the educational materials that are in the ordinary classroom if they have severe sight defects that prevent them from discriminating the size of print being used by the class .
18 Not to mention the classes of thirty or more , and all the other sources of frustration that prevent you from delivering the service you should , and doing the job as you would like .
19 The adaptation work should help to overcome or remove any obstacles that prevent you from enjoying the use of your present facilities .
20 Bell Atlantic Corp is asking the US Department of Justice to waive restrictions that prevent it from providing video programming services — it wants to provide the services across the US without regard to local access transport area boundaries of its local territory .
21 Indeed the only reason that modern living things are able to survive in the presence of oxygen , is that they contain a variety of compounds that prevent it from reacting with materials such as fats : compounds that include vitamins C and E , and uric acid .
22 At a time when a good public image is essential for universities , English is unable to explain itself in ways immediately intelligible to the outsider , is notoriously riven with doubts and disagreements that prevent it from having a shared sense of purpose , and may at intervals erupt into crises that attract the wrong sort of publicity .
23 The decision lifts restrictions that were placed by the court on the tiny company several months ago that forbade it from distributing advance copies of BSD/386 code for beta testing , or production software .
24 My definition of harmful treatment would embrace not just treatment that exposed me to risk without any hope of compensating benefit but treatment of unproved efficacy that diverted me from having other treatments that were of proved value .
25 My final choice from last week 's ‘ Independent ’ was the example that provoked me into attempting this subject in the first place .
26 As long as you identify with the negative messages that trick you into becoming a victim to negativity , then you will be used .
27 Her safety-valve , the thing that prevented her from going round the bend , was the fun of devising and dishing out these splendid punishments , and the lovely thing was that they seemed to work , at any rate for short periods .
28 There seemed to be a blankness in her that prevented her from going any further ; a momentary spark that said , But wait … and then said nothing more .
29 Before this experience , several barriers to worship were present that prevented me from entering fully into the presence of the Father and into the inheritance that Paul expresses so movingly in Ephesians 1 .
30 But , at that stage , the only thing that prevented me from saying , ‘ oh well , I 'll go and find a regular job instead , ’ was that I was aware that this thing existed — racialism — and that whatever happened , getting away from it , getting out of the firing line , would n't help me .
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