Example sentences of "that [verb] [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , it is his questions , his ways of telling and , for want of a better phrase , his search in life that make Lepage the avant-garde artist he is .
2 And if you want to run a business that involves shipping an unwieldy machine across Pentland Firth and Scapa Flow , servicing orders from London , New York and Japan , and travelling to Glasgow and London to seek commissions from the smartest fashion houses , then Back Road in Stromness is probably as good a place as any to do it from .
3 They remain the orientations that converge to form the predominant element of the British political culture .
4 And a breeze that failed to set a single leaf atremble .
5 His early work about the alleys of Gamalliyya was fundamentally on the side of the revolution-the one that failed to dislodge the British in 1919 , and that finally threw out Farouk and brought Neguib and later Nasser to rule Egypt .
6 In shaded or damp areas that tend to collect a slippery coating of algae , paving and steps should always be cleaned regularly .
7 In a sense , then , survival into old age is a triumph , but a triumph that brings with it many problems , problems that tend to increase the longer one survives , the greater age one attains .
8 ‘ Short-term that may be fine , but shipping is a long term business that needs to ride the historic cycles .
9 To know this is useful , but to identify those media is to identify the means for transmitting the values and beliefs that coalesce to form the political culture , and not to identify the political culture itself .
10 A second view that a scientific theory is a complex structure of some kind is one that has received a great deal of attention in recent years .
11 Of all the elements that go to make up the accident causation system , the one that has received the least attention in residential areas is the design of the road network itself .
12 It is certain , though , that the constructivism that has received the most attention in psychology and philosophy has been the developmental theory of Jean Piaget .
13 However , the job itself , as we have already noted , is rarely the cause of disenchantment with agriculture — indeed , in a decade that has seen a renewed interest in the countryside among young people and a growing desire to escape from the urban rat-race , agriculture could have much to offer .
14 The group of researchers that has seen the first indications of a Z particle is code named UA1 , and is one of the two teams that reported the evidence for the W particle earlier this year .
15 The involvement of additives may explain why the incidence of hyperkinetic syndrome seems to have increased dramatically in the last 20 years — a period that has seen the meteoric rise of ‘ junk food ’ , take-aways and instant-everything .
16 In effect this has meant approximately 400,000 new and inexperienced customers coming on to the overseas market each year , and it is this that has kept the traditional inclusive tour package alive .
17 Now , as socialism knocks on the door of Number 10 , the Hoorays are preparing to go back underground , adopting once again the protective colouring that has kept the British upper classes safe and sound while heads have rolled all over Europe .
18 Since the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD , it has been the synagogue that has kept the Jewish faith alive throughout the centuries even to the present day .
19 The island is seen as a microcosm of the world and this is part of Golding 's style that has remained the same throughout the book .
20 In many ways , the issue of knowledge acquisition has been one that has separated the practicable representations of natural language semantics from those that can only remain as theories in textbooks .
21 It now , persists , it may be said , because of a non-rational or irrational longing on the part of philosophers to have order in the universe , a longing that has replaced the lost comfort of a belief in an all-governing God .
22 He hopes , as all prime ministers do , that the shake-up will put an end to the back-biting and snarling that has reached a nasty pitch since the Newbury by-election and local-council humiliations three weeks ago .
23 Dent is a throwback to medieval times bypassed by modern progress , an anachronism that has survived the passing years .
24 What must ultimately be recognised is a more profound change that has overcome the cultural sphere , namely the broad and far-reaching symptoms of the ‘ postmodern ’ in culture .
25 The drivers , now cut up and veering to the Left , find voting for the party that has championed the self-employed harder to do .
26 The recourse to respirators and cardiac pace-makers that has made a legal definition of death based upon the absence of breathing and heartbeat outmoded is a good example .
27 Medical advances almost invariably increase the demands on doctors ' time , and it is this increased intensity of working that has made the long hours of many doctors intolerable .
28 It is all this research into stable fluorescent powders that has made the new compact fluorescents possible .
29 But it is not just population displacement that has made the High Dam at Aswan such a controversial issue .
30 But , it is that very fascination — bordering on fanaticism — with the game that has turned the Afrikaner sport into a political football , as the All Black and Wallaby tourists found out .
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