Example sentences of "that [verb] [verb] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Thus we do not discriminate between a process that offers to output one of two values on a channel nondeterministically and one that offers the choice to the environment , even if this last idea were operationally reasonable .
2 Certainly we need road space for those who must drive , but there are many drivers who would willingly change ( or revert ) to public transport given some inducement — like services that are more frequent , more reliable and more widely available , or a further disincentive to the scandal of non-essential company cars that make commuting free of charge to their users .
3 Where winter snow is plentiful , ponds and shallow lakes occupy large areas ; over much of the tundra they form networks of static waterways that make walking difficult after the thaw .
4 And yet , it 's this region of slumbag Manchester that has spawned one of the rainy city 's brightest current hopes , the Paris Angels .
5 And yet , it 's this region of slumbag Manchester that has spawned one of the rainy city 's brightest current hopes , the Paris Angels .
6 This is something that has intrigued thousands of viewers .
7 The metal chassis that has seen thousands of miles may have a new life as dustbins , the fractured windscreens will metamorphose into recyled drinking glasses , the plastic interior may be transformed into the next generation 's Super Marios and Ninja Turtles .
8 At a site by the Royal Hotel that has remained undeveloped for 40 years , sycamore ( Acer pseudo platanus ) is beginning to appear above a dense patch of buddleia ; the sycamore is probably the natural successor to buddleia in this city .
9 It is also important to perceive the National Insurance Act as the sort of response to the problem of unemployment that has remained dominant in Britain .
10 It is this grey area that has engendered much of the confusion that beclouds the issue .
11 It is this sector that has suffered most from the low pay strategies of the Conservatives and from unemployment .
12 The political reality is that Connecticut is suffering from the economic slowdown that has hit most of the north-east .
13 If you have ever lamented the biscuit tin school of architecture that has made many of our towns and cities depressingly alike , take a look at the Omani buildings .
14 MORE than a million people in southern Ethiopia are at risk of starvation in a famine that has killed 5,000 in five months , according to the country 's Relief and Rehabilitation Commission .
15 Other strategies which recognise the new sense and the new possibilities are the wildlife/domestic stock village systems developing in Central Africa — systems not dissimilar to the self-sufficient , low-input philosophy that Gandhi was promoting before India became a monolithic Civil Service with centralised control which destroyed village integrity : the same problem that has caused thousands of Africans to return to their villages in the last twenty years , giving up their Government jobs for which they were never paid or even got their rations .
16 They even appear on Nashville 's Grand Ole Opry , the live radio show that has run weekly since 1925 , where they share the stage with revered old-timers .
17 One of the publishers most successful at catering for this hunger for information is International Data Group ( IDG ) , a firm that has grown big by breaking many of the management rules cherished by other big publishers .
18 They have consistently refused to co-operate with any venture that has fallen short of the promise of self-determination .
19 The borderline between ritual and custom is a little blurred ; custom could be said to be a form of ritual that has lost many of its magical or religious overtones , but still retains some of the original intent to transform .
20 Among the subjects Terkel 's interviewees muse on are Louis Farrakhan , the Nation of Islam 's leader , who seems to command utter loyalty or utter loathing ; sexual jealosy , a theme that has gone cool in Britain , but still raises temperatures in the US ; and the future , about which there is absolutely no agreement .
21 Over the past five months , despite everything that has gone wrong with his adventure in Kuwait , he has calmly refused to bow to pressure , whether political , economic or military .
22 The remarkable spell of dry weather that has affected much of eastern Britain since the autumn of 1988 continued in 1990/91 ; the autumn was particularly dry .
23 Allen and McNab are fit again , but will be restricted to the bench by City , who will not change the team that has scored 12 in winning their last three games .
24 First the managers will be encouraged to tackle an issue that has become problematical in a bureau by asking open questions of themselves and the bureau staff .
25 In this chapter we will present an analysis of the colliding wave problem using a method that has become familiar in the study of stationary axisymmetric space-times .
26 RE need no longer be undertaken with the intention of smartening up , or making relevant , something that has become jaded through over-familiarity .
27 A fierce solidarity was forged of a kind that has become archaic in the west .
28 One of its most powerful adversaries is Fredric Jameson who suggests postmodernism is ‘ an alarming and pathological symptom of a society that has become incapable of dealing with time and history ’ ( in Foster 1983 : 117 ) .
29 The final scene , with its tear-jerking hospital-bed supplications for forgiveness , is neither more nor less than the ‘ I love you ’ , ‘ I love you too Momma ’ curtain-line that has become mandatory in a thousand soap operas .
30 Right in the heart of a city that has become accustomed to being regarded as an eyesore .
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