Example sentences of "that [noun] [prep] the first " in BNC.

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1 He decided that operations in the first instance were to be confined chiefly to level driving at Paddy Etid ( the Levers Water side of the grant ) , and also to cross-cut to the Bonsor Vein both in , and below , Red Dell .
2 Cadence Design Systems Inc warns that turnover for the first quarter will be down substantially from the same period last year and it will likely see a loss for the quarter .
3 To take one example out of many , the native Englishman D. H. Lawrence reached just the same conclusion as Pound at just the same time , and Lawrence 's letters record it ; he concluded , just as Pound did , that England after the First World War was , for the artist , uninhabitable .
4 The Far Eastern Economic Review of Jan. 30 reported that figures for the first nine months of 1991 showed Japan to be Vietnam 's second most important trading partner , after Singapore .
5 Microvitec Plc , Bradford told the annual meeting that trading in the first three months of 1993 ran ahead of budget : the firm 's chairman , James Bailey , said ‘ we remain profitable throughout the group , and we look forward to a successful outcome to the current year . ’
6 This legislation requires that people for the first thirteen weeks that they are unemployed have the right to look for a job which they have experience in and enjoy doing , but after 13 weeks they are required to take any job that comes along .
7 He also noted that sales in the first two months of the year are ahead of company budgets , but this failed to help the shares , which closed 30p lower at 143p , having been down 38p at one stage .
8 The fact that timing of the first births is closely related to age at first marriage or union is documented in Fig 1 .
9 This is what the UK SMC seeks to exploit by setting unusual , but meaningful problems that pupils in the first years of secondary school want to solve .
10 In the ensuing debate , Alan Shatter , TD of Fine Gael , author of a book on family law , pointed out the better provision being made under the projected divorce law for a first wife than existed at present , and that children of the first marriage would maintain their present rights , though they would have to share with children of the second marriage .
11 It was on this occasion , as we have seen , that Gandhi for the first time resorted to fasting as a form of satyāgraha .
12 He said that residents of the first floor flats , which had not been flooded had been told that they would have to return as soon as possible .
13 The difference is that FABMS for the first time uses a beam of uncharged atoms instead of charged ions for the process .
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