Example sentences of "that [noun] [verb] the [det] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Indeed these digs reveal that Macedonians worshipped the same gods and practise the same rites as the Greeks ’ .
2 Briefly , the principle states that physics appears the same to any observer in free fall whatever the magnitude of the gravitational field .
3 Figure 3 indicates that complexes exhibiting the same electrophoretic mobility were generated with all three extracts .
4 It must have seemed utterly reasonable to extend the golden rule of the Sermon on the Mount to animals so that animals deserved the same treatment which the human expected from other humans .
5 Controlling the way her image was seen around the world ensured that Kylie made the most of her success as her face became familiar all across the globe .
6 Exchange control was introduced in 1930 and has been in force ever since , but subject to the provisions of exchange control it was a basic tenet of pre-communist Hungarian law that foreigners had the same rights as Hungarians in all respects ( but for some professions and performing public functions Hungarian citizenship was necessary ) .
7 And a contemporary of theirs , Columella , describes and recommends distinct kinds like the Armerian , the Cestine and the Syrian , showing that apple-growers used the same system of naming as today — after the finder , some benefactor or notable person , or the place where the apple came from .
8 WE must also insist that contractors adopt the same high degree of professionalism that British Gas expects of its employees .
9 It did not follow that Coopers reached the same conclusion as Peats by following the same reasoning .
10 A common response to the claim that I am making about observation , supported by the kinds of examples I have utilized , is that observers viewing the same scene from the same place see the same thing but interpret what they see differently .
11 Iraqi Foreign Minister Tariq Aziz expressed his country 's readiness to destroy its chemical weapons stocks on condition that Israel did the same and also signed the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty , to which Iraq was already a party .
12 I thought she was a vexing girl , and judged that Byron thought the same ; but he was a lot more patient with her than he had been with Polidori .
13 It 's been enormously successful because we 've done it on an activist basis so that activists have met one another , all those prejudices and all those stereotypes have immediately vanished as soon as people have stayed in one another 's homes and realized that people have the same problems , they have the same , they have the same problems and the same difficulty er as difficulties as we do .
14 Badajoz had demonstrated that Franco wanted the latter .
15 Admittedly , we do sometimes talk as if a person could have a pain in his foot and be unaware of it , perhaps while his attention is on something else , but this is explained by there being different levels of consciousness , or self-consciousness , in the mind ; it does not require our saying that pains have the same sort of mind-independent existence as tables .
16 Haavio-Mannila set out to test the assumption that wives share the same status ranking as their husbands .
17 In the sense that apple has the same relationship to fruit as dog has to animal ( i.e.' — is an immediate taxonym of — ' — see chapter 6 for the meaning of taxonym ) , that relation is of the sort known as ‘ many-to-one ’ .
18 Carol McMillan , in Women , Reason and Nature ( 1982 ) , argues that feminism makes the same mistake as anti-feminism in its excessive belief in rationality and empiricism , and consequently undervalues emotion , intuition and the private sphere .
19 ‘ It was n't long before I realised that Fabien felt the same too .
20 A special form of coloured route marker had to be developed and approved and it was in this field , as with TRE , that Bennett had the least of his problems .
21 When the state looks upon such people as second-class , it is no wonder that racists take the same view .
22 It is essential that Londoners have the same rights of access to acute health care as their provincial counterparts .
23 It seems likely that Oswald achieved the same accord as Eadwine with Eadbald , king of Kent .
24 These range from the notion that creativeness reflects the same warring psychological tendencies that are responsible for insanity to the intriguing , though question-begging , idea that some mad people are simply labelled as geniuses because of their apparently mystical and divinely inspired qualities of thought .
25 Thus " an experienced woman worker " told her that men do the same work as women in many cases and at different rates , but there are certain parts of the work that women never do , such for instance as the lifting of the " formes " and " chases " .
26 Ca n't we at least suppose that others have the same experience ? ’
27 A mere description , that organisms stay the same for millions of years and then rapidly change , does not explain anything in this time of our rapidly growing understanding of genetic mechanisms .
28 Let us make the conservative assumption that CD-X follows the same trend but that by mid-decade it achieves a penetration of about 25 per cent of CD-A , rising to 60 per cent of CD-A by the year 2000 ( obviously much depends on when CD-X appears ! ) .
29 I had a theory that Hawaiians had the same kind of relationship with the sea as the Australian aborigines had with the land .
30 Blake noticed that people used more than words when they communicated with each other , and realised that horses did the same .
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