Example sentences of "that [noun] [verb] for the " in BNC.

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1 A confidential Ministry of Information report , written in April 1968 , revealed that the two papers owed Sh.900,000/ — to the printers , who threatened to discontinue working on them altogether unless this amount were paid and an assurance received from the Treasury that printing costs for the rest of the financial year would be met .
2 The Northern Echo was told that solicitors acting for the Grangetown families were now considering an injunction to put before a judge obliging British Steel and ICI to hand over precise information on the contents of their chimney emissions .
3 There can be little doubt that Nizan departed for the Soviet Union in January 1934 in a crusading spirit .
4 Customary by the mid-thirteenth century , largely due to Innocent 's introduction of such a scheme , such taxes , however , did not bring money into the papal coffers but were granted to the leaders of the crusades , through there was a widespread belief that money collected for the Crusade by Philip the notary was doing exactly that , and in 1202 Innocent ordered an investigation .
5 In this society where women hold the ultimate responsibility for the welfare of children , it is vital that money paid for the children is paid to the mother on that basis alone , in order to avoid real hardship particularly in times of crisis .
6 It is beyond doubt , he argues , and most psychologists and ethologists would agree , ‘ that animals act for the sake of goals , and that they may be conscious of their goals , in the quite literal sense that they may see or smell what they are after ’ ( 1975 : 19 ) .
7 Not only must we limit the scope of animal goals but we must also limit the sense of the claim that animals act for the sake of goals .
8 Police and motoring organisations warned that drivers heading for the capital are certain to face lengthy delays as thousands of extra people take to the roads .
9 The meeting called for the immediate demobilisation of the contras and urged that funds approved for the Nicaraguan rebels be channelled through a commission they had established earlier .
10 It is understood that GGT pitched for the company 's media business as early as last August , without LH-S ' knowledge , and the decision to move the account was taken before Christmas .
11 The problem that consciousness sets for the materialist is well known .
12 The paper will then look at the issues that e-mail raises for the creator/receiver , lawyer , historian and records manager/archivist .
13 and with a leprous man came over and began doing a to him saying , Lord if you just want to you can make me clean , and so stretching out his hand he touched him saying , I want to be made clean and immediately his leprosy was , vanished away , then Jesus said to him , see that you tell no one , but go and show yourself to the priest and offer the gift that Moses appointed for the purpose of a witness to them when he entered into Calpurnia that 's the other two , that the other
14 Last night Doisneau 's lawyer Julien Hay said he had proof that models posed for the picture .
15 The site was secured towards the end of 1858 , and work began immediately to adapt the existing buildings to accommodate the rows of big glass bolthead flasks that Nicholson favoured for the preparations .
16 A less-technical example would be the problems that comets posed for the ordered and full Aristotelian cosmos of interconnected crystalline spheres .
17 There is not , of course , any serious evidence that kin support for the elderly is declining , despite the persistent myth that it is .
18 It took the place in mid-twentieth century demonology that masturbation filled for the Victorians .
19 In the communion service we state quite clearly that Jesus died for the sins of the world .
20 The staff admit that a sudden rise in entrances to the zoo was likely to be largely due to an interest by the public who wanted to visit it before it finally closed and they agree that problems remain for the future .
21 For example , women in the Labour Party made sure that resolutions asking for the provision of birth control information via local authority clinics came before the Party 's Annual Conference in 1925 , 1926 and 1927 .
22 The only other argument that I have been able to find in support of tonight 's regulations is where the DSS states that the use of regulation 72 puts ’ an over-emphasis on the Department 's welfare role and overlooks the fact that persons acting for the claimant could have made inquiries on the claimant 's behalf . ’
23 This had brought Nevzorov international media attention because of a suggested link to mafia-style organized crime and public expressions of concern from Gorbachev , but increasingly there were suspicions that Nevzorov worked for the KGB ( State Security Committee ) , and that the KGB had staged the shooting to enhance his reputation as an heroic investigative reporter .
24 Firstly , Baxter could not see how it was possible to avoid Antinomianism if it was accepted that Christ died for the actual sins of His people .
25 She turned back to Elinor and said in the rather loud , slow , and contrived voice that people use for the deaf , ‘ I 've brought you a surprise , Nell . ’
26 ‘ I believe our vote would have been very substantially higher had it not been for the fear , the concern , that people had for the prospect of a Labour government , ’ Mr Ashdown said , adding that the election showed Labour could not fight the Conservatives , even in the depths of a recession .
27 ‘ I believe our vote would have been very substantially higher had it not been for the fear , the concern , that people had for the prospect of a Labour government , ’ Mr Ashdown said , adding that the election showed Labour could not fight the Conservatives , even in the depths of a recession .
28 It is inevitably a part of the normal grieving process that people search for the dead person in a multitude of ways , but it is very necessary for friends of the bereaved to help them choose carefully .
29 The London Weather Centre said that people travelling for the holiday weekend will face more rain tomorrow and Sunday .
30 Similarly , Gnosticism was opposed to orthodox Christianity by its hostility to history , for instead of being based on the idea that God prepares for the future by way of the past it regarded the world as one from which God was absent .
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