Example sentences of "that [noun] [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Tradition tells that Peden told the new bride to — .
2 The huge leap forward had taken place in the eighties when he had used junk bonds to enlarge his empire at a fantastic pace — until suddenly it was realized in the States that Hauser controlled the largest private financial institution in the republic .
3 Considering he was joining an honour roll that included his big brother John , it was somehow fitting that Patrick played the leading role in the two-hour 48-minute finale to the grand prix circuit which saw the younger McEnroe and Jim Grabb dismiss the more experienced Anders Jarryd and John Fitzgerald 7-5 , 7-6 , 5-7 , 6-3 .
4 Adopting this model , the CNAA decided that institutions using the proposed new procedures ‘ would be expected to have a particularly effective internal procedure : the Council would require the formation of an Institution Validating Committee ’ .
5 Post-structuralist critics will deny that literature possesses the organic unity to which the New Critics attached so much weight .
6 It acknowledged that states had the sovereign right to exploit their own resources ( by implication , therefore , ruling out coercive action to halt the destruction of , for example , the tropical forests ) , but added the rider that they should not do so in a manner which caused damage to the environment of other states .
7 It said that states had the sovereign right to exploit their own resources ( by implication , therefore , ruling out coercive action to halt the destruction of tropical forests ) , but added the rider that they should not do so in a manner which caused damage to the environment of other countries .
8 They found that supplementation reduced the total cell proliferation although in contrast with our results , vitamin C did not change the upward shift of the proliferative zone .
9 Unfortunately , the time-scale involved led both parties to conclude that discussions to merge the two organisations should not be continued . ’
10 Yet Dr. Elliott is elsewhere in print ( on the back of an Abbey Records LP ) as maintaining as almost certain that Carver composed the superb anonymous 6-Part Mass , ‘ Cantate Domino , ’ intimately related musically to Fera Pessima , which survives in partbooks from Lincluden ( Dr. Elliott has edited it from performance , and declared it ‘ shows more assured technical command ’ than Fere Pessima itself ) ; while the Carver Choirbook itself contains a fine anonymous 3-Part Mass which several scholars have suspected to be genuine Carver — and which is moreover largely in his hand .
11 The union 's basic demand , that employers honour the breached contract , can be fudged .
12 When articulated in this way the Wilsonian social contract appears very close to what Sir Ian Gilmour ( 1978 ) has claimed is the essence of true and wise Toryism : the avoidance of ‘ dogma ’ ; the balancing of opposed social forces ; the concession of reform where reform is due in order to hold together a ‘ national ’ constituency ( despite the fact that Gilmour viewed the 1974/75 legislative programme as a dangerous concession to sectional union interests and a threat to the constitution — true Toryism is only recognised as such well after the event ! ) .
13 At the same time he reflects the important belief that Ho Chi Minh was first and foremost a Vietnamese nationalist even though in his next sentence Moffat said ‘ He was also a communist and believed that communism offered the best hope for the Vietnamese people . ’
14 That was all I needed to feel sure that Harvey had the half-dozen eggs that were stolen from me at London Airport .
15 The white Gulfstream One executed a perfect landing but it was only when it taxied towards them that Whitlock saw the blue , red and white Zimbalan flag painted on the side of the fuselage with the words ‘ Air Zimbala ’ above it in black lettering .
16 ‘ Indeed these digs reveal that Macedonians worshipped the same gods and practise the same rites as the Greeks ’ .
17 The early completion could mean that products using the 601 could be out within the 12 to 18 month timeframe .
18 Pupils become involved in the collection and manipulation of data and are motivated validity of the end product so that projects lose the contrived which marred many projects in the past .
19 is quite stable in some solvents , while Raman spectroscopy on the monoanion , ( which shows how the negatively-charged football structure vibrates ) , demonstrates that reduction disturbs the orderly bonding and symmetry of C60 .
20 It must be stressed , however , that CPRW recognises the important role played by tourism in the local economy of coastal areas , as well as in National Parks and other designated areas .
21 Thus it came about that Tanberg anticipated the second ingredient in the Fleischmann and Pons story : he introduced ‘ electrolysis ’ as a way of encouraging the hydrogen to come together .
22 Earlier , it was alleged that Casabona kidnapped the 15-year-old , raped her and tried to murder her by pumping exhaust fumes into the vehicle while they were both inside .
23 Briefly , the principle states that physics appears the same to any observer in free fall whatever the magnitude of the gravitational field .
24 Jane also pointed out that Pamela has the ideal figure for trousers and when shopping for skirts , she should choose straight styles that end just below or above the knee .
25 Yet on the other hand surviving evidence tends to vindicate Richard Padley 's accusation , in the Fabian survey of evacuation , that Whitehall used the decentralised local government system to shirk its responsibilities ; the Ministry of Health and Board of Education , he maintained , doled out ‘ platitudinous ’ advice via circulars and adopted an attitude of complacency over the possibility of medical problems among evacuee children , such as malnutrition , head lice , impetigo , etc .
26 At present , sewage works must ensure that effluent meets the required standards of cleanliness for 95 percent of any 12 month period .
27 For all that Jan remembers the off screen Kylie as vulnerable and not in the least spoiled by her success .
28 Anthropologists , in tracing the evolution of Homo sapiens from more primitive quadruped simian species , assumed that bipedalism facilitated the free use of hands from their role in locomotion .
29 To restrain traffic growth , FoE argue , the government should introduce road pricing , increase funding for public transport and ensure that taxes reflect the true environmental cost of car use .
30 I certainly would not want to attempt a summary of the route we have taken all the way from the mind-body problem to children trying to win chocolates ; but I do need to make some concluding comments to justify the bold claim in the first paragraph that constructivism makes the mind-body problem less intractable .
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