Example sentences of "that [modal v] [be] made [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Given that the health board has said that it will have difficulty finding the money for that relocation and upgrading , will the Minister consider favourably any requests that may be made at the meeting ?
2 At the other end of the scale , rules would define precisely the shots that may be made for specified circumstances , confining all shots to the head and shoulders of the Member who has the floor , for example ( this solution has been adopted by the Canadian House of Commons ) .
3 Inquiry has no bearing on the practical concerns of life , and science should not be valued for any ( unscientific ) practical applications that may be made of its current resting places ( 1.616ff . ) .
4 The use that may be made of the occurrence or non-occurrence of a reinvestigation by the defence is bound to be problematic .
5 The effect of this judgment would be to substitute rather different declarations for those made by Vinelott J. The declarations should , in our opinion , subject to any comments on the drafting that may be made by counsel , be in the following form :
6 I have indicated several recommended walks that may be made from parked cars , even reaching a few of the more spectacular mountain summits .
7 The notice of objection was expressly stated to be ‘ without prejudice to any challenge that may be made in any subsequent proceedings , for instance by way of an action in negligence . ’
8 The AWB also controls the length of the working week and the allowances that may be made in the weekly wage for various payments in kind .
9 There 's one further search that should be made on a purchase or mortgage of unregistered land : if the seller or mortgagor is a limited company , which acquired the land before 1 January 1970 , search the Companies Register to ascertain whether any puisne mortgage ( ie a mortgage not protected by the deposit with the lender of the title deeds , such as a second mortgage ) is noted in its register of charges .
10 They conclude : ‘ On the basis of our review , we are not aware of any material modifications that should be made to the interim financial information as presented , and in our opinion it has been prepared using accounting policies consistent with those adopted by the group in its statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 1991 . ’
11 Another qualification that should be made to the picture of a rising trend in women 's paid work is that , as can been seen in figure 10.1 , participation in full-time employment has not risen .
12 One qualification that should be made to the general formula that Lord Goddard laid down in Hinchcliffe v. Sheldon is that it appears to make a person guilty of obstructing by omission , and the view may be expressed that this is not the law .
13 The note gives guidance on the enquiries that should be made about the investment business control environment , including the business 's higher level procedures for complying with the conduct of business rules .
14 The authority made an assessment , but did not consider that the boy 's needs were such that it should determine in a statement the special educational provision that should be made for him .
15 The Court , in upholding the LEA 's right not to determine the special educational provision that should be made for the child , drew an important distinction .
16 They distinguished between a child who has special educational needs , and a child who has special educational needs which are such that the LEA may be of the opinion that they should determine the special educational provision that should be made for him — in the words of Nicholls LJ , ‘ not special needs simpliciter , but special needs that satisfy a further condition ’ .
17 Part of the parents ' case had rested on the following argument : within the school which the child attended a decision had been taken to include her in a remedial class ; thus , the special educational provision that should be made for her had already been determined ; so a statement ( under section 7(1) of the Act ) should follow .
18 if the [ LEA ] does not itself decide the special educational provision that should be made for the child , but leaves that to be decided by the school , with remedial classes and other facilities as may be available in the school , the [ LEA ] is not itself determining the special educational provision for the child within the meaning in section 7(1) ; consequently , the [ LEA ] is not obliged to make and maintain a statement … .
19 The verbatim records have survived almost intact and enable the sequence of offers and counteroffers that should be made by bargainers behaving optimally according to the rules .
20 It is a decision that should be made in the light of medical advice and counselling .
21 He can only highlight the atmosphere supporting the plot , especially those circumstances where he has to portray differences between classes and thus general behaviour , idiosyncrasies , etc. , for example the contrast that must be made between the dances for all and sundry in the town square and those for the aristocrats in the ballroom of Romeo and Juliet .
22 It is useful to return to the earlier typology of hazards ( Fig. 10.1 ) and to stress the links that might be made between those working on natural hazards and those working in the socio-economic domains .
23 However , having heard argument , I am satisfied that the order of Saville J. was provisional only and was subject to any further order that might be made on further material being placed before the court .
24 Consider a fictitious part that might be made on them in order to go through the network .
25 Penn , Topham , Burgess and Benezek were asked to deal with any proposals that might be made to the committee regarding a building that would be suitable as a hospital , and Messrs Shepperson and Reynolds of Oxford Street were appointed ( for what immediate purpose is not clear ) booksellers and stationers to the institution .
26 Why are they resisting those arguments , or seeing them as concessions that might be made during negotiations ?
27 Another point that might be made about the relationship between the ‘ form-words ’ of grammar and the ‘ full words ’ of lexis is that it follows from the kind of auxiliary , context-complementary function of grammar being proposed here that the proportional occurrence of these words will vary in different kinds of discourse .
28 The discussion above by no means exhausts the observations that might be made about postnominal attributives .
29 The British General Strike of 1926 had given both Germany and Poland a new sense of the gains that might be made through co-operation , and while they explored this unexpected windfall , the effects of the Polish currency reform were hidden .
30 The point that might be made in this connection is that without the particular there could be no way of understanding what might be meant by the ultimate .
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