Example sentences of "that [be] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I give you a number and you give me some other numbers that are tied up with it in some way .
2 On top of all this , you have the less obvious costs incurred by the denial of the use of your funds that are tied up in outstanding debts .
3 We will not be able to supply an adequate home care service without the release of the resources that are tied up in our elderly persons homes .
4 Now I 'd like to bring you back to Mr Williamson 's opening remarks in which he described the allocations of land for industry and all these other things that are tied in with industry now as generous , making generous allocations , and the Civic Society would like to see those allocations rather less generous , we are like trying to develop a climate of restraint when on the expansion of Harrogate and the rate at which people are encouraged or wish to come into the town .
5 It is also used in many of the cakes for decorative effects , piping , and backgrounds that are peaked up with a palette knife so that the icing hardens into a choppy surface to represent grass or sea .
6 Names that are flying around at the moment are the US General Accounting Office , the Stanford Research Institute or one of the US National Laboratories such as the Los Alamos Lab .
7 Do not forget to bring the cable needles that are crossed over to E position before knitting the following four rows .
8 If the hour and 25 minutes sometimes drags through moments that are spun out for too long , and through some unnecessary tricksiness with the screens , that 's because it seems Lepage has n't yet quite found what he wants Miles Davis and Jean Cocteau to reveal to him .
9 and I 've re I have quite a high awareness about women 's position in society , but because of that I feel that I 've now come to reject the term feminism because erm I think it 's also harming the people who , you know , it 's harming the women that are holding on to that er , label because it is label and that is erm because it 's , because it 's a label it then it 's blocking er forms progress for women .
10 Look at the fears/wishes that are called up in ‘ Fitcher 's Bird ’ : the fear of being enchanted , of having one 's own will overcome by that of another ; the fear of being punished for one 's curiosity , one 's will-to-know ; the fear of being locked forever in the bloody chamber .
11 If qualification is hard to define , it is because it is one of the fundamental notions that are called on in building linguistic structures ; it is one member of a subsystem which in its essence will actually reduce to three terms : qualification , equation ( on which see Section 1.7 ) , and absence of relation .
12 And the more poor little Britain takes a battering , the more bombs that are called down on the wreck of London , the sooner it will be .
13 Other activities of a creative sort are ones that are built in over and above that .
14 To do this it uses raw materials that are drifting around in the cell , being , very probably , the products of other protein machines .
15 The major hazards will come from aerosols containing microbes that are breathed in by workers in biotechnology factories .
16 These are faults — which is where John McEnroe comes in — that are smoothed out by a second distillation .
17 That there 's more to Normski than his manic public persona is obvious here , with the music playing , and the beaming photos of himself and Janet Street-Porter that are propped up through the house .
18 For the same reason you should place any edge stitches that are selected back to B position — the selector level will select the pattern of needles in working position , regardless of where they fall on the needlebed .
19 The chief issues that are singled out in this debate are : that the growing proportion of retired people will impose a burden of increasing cost upon a shrinking population of working age in terms of pensions and services ; and the fact that a growing proportion of these will be very old and therefore more in need of medical and other care will make this burden more onerous still .
20 Erm , the body is something else from us and we are the things erm not that are made up of our body but that merely use our body .
21 Such horses that are locked up in stables without sensory stimulation for a long period will become permanently more anxious and fearful .
22 Panorama also employs the concept of ‘ sticky ’ windows ; windows that are dragged around with user wherever he or she moves in the system .
23 Even chemicals that are broken down by different enzymes may ‘ compete ’ : some enzymes need substances known cofactors to help them do their work , so the two chemicals are ‘ competing ’ for cofactors , rather than for the enzymes themselves .
24 Further preparation of collections of calcareous and phosphatic shelly Cambrian fossils may well produce dividends , and such disarticulated remains that are etched out of the rock should be held up against articulated scleritomes , either actual or hypothesized .
25 Its mangrove swamps are rapidly being wiped out by pollution from the satellite towns that are springing up along the shore .
26 A good example is a manufacturer who sells to a reseller and requires the reseller to grant him an indemnity in respect of third party claims for product liability made against the manufacturer arising in relation to the products of the manufacturer that are sold on by the reseller .
27 Skills that are passed on from mother to daughter .
28 This case also often occurs in practice due to the results of cases such as grouped meter readings from customers who were at home when the meter reader called , combined with customers ' own readings carried out because they were out when the meter reader called , and a number of special checks that are carried out at a different time .
29 Used to test theories and interpretations relating to technology and subsistence , experiments can also test the very basic interpretations that are carried out during the course of an excavation : whether or not a hole in the ground functioned as a pit or a posthole , what a particular pit was used for , and so on .
30 Are the precautions that are carried out during surgery or general practice adequate — for example the wearing of three rubber gloves and gowns and so forth ?
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