Example sentences of "that [conj] [noun] did [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The education convener , Mervyn Rolfe , said that although Tayside did not appear to have a greater bullying problem than elsewhere , anything which impeded a pupil should be tackled swiftly and methodically .
2 ‘ When I left it was open ended so that if things did not work out for me I could go back to playing Charlene .
3 The question , posed by the Tobacco Advisory Council , was asking if readers knew that if smokers did not pay £11.5 million a day in tax , the basic rate of income tax would rise by about 5p in the pound .
4 The basic contention of their paper was that if Britain did not dominate an area , the Russians would .
5 It may be that if others did not follow the rule we think best we would have , in that fact , a reason not to follow it ourselves .
6 The headnote in the Weekly Law Reports is wrong : it states that the lease provided that disputes were to be referred to arbitration , whereas in fact the lease between Ipswich and Fisons said that if Fisons did not accept Ipswich 's terms the matter should be referred to an independent expert .
7 The counsellor asked Peter , ‘ Do you think that if Susie did n't work she would n't want to leave you ? ’
8 Mr Yeltsin repeated his threat that if parliament did not approve his version , he would take it to a referendum .
9 It was advice which appeared to ignore the fact that if Alexei did not , Sidacai 's death warrant would be signed and his sentence executed .
10 When I met them after the game and asked them what they thought , they said the highlight was listening to the girl behind them telling her mate that if Batty did n't start playing better then she 'd have to start denying him sex ! ! !
11 Montagu and Henderson were alone in dissenting , not only from the advice tendered but also from the implied assumption that if Asquith did not serve , none of the others present would either .
12 Fernandes , the party 's former shadow Foreign Minister , was quoted as saying that if Savimbi did not accept their call for reforms at the party conference to be held on June 30 , their tendency would split from UNITA .
13 It was Mr Spyros P. Skouras who let it be known that if Kazan did not testify helpfully , the pictures he had just made might never appear and he would not be directing any more .
14 Although his mother remained upset about the accident , and was naturally more protective of him , his father took the view that if Guy did not perceive himself as disabled , nobody else would , and this proved to be the case .
15 It must sometimes puzzle the Russians how easy it is to plant such nonsense on British intelligence but what they do not appreciate is that if defectors did not invent such silly tales MI5 and MI6 would do so themselves anyway .
16 She asked that if Clemens did not attend his trial in London he be dealt with as convicted in his absence .
17 The favourite illustration of a public good was the lighthouse : the conditions of non-excludability and non-rivalrous consumption were both met , and it was obvious that if governments did not provide lighthouses nobody would .
18 It is that if governments did not do this kind of thing the probability of their interfering in the workings of the market economy would a that much greater .
19 In the old days , life was simple in schools in the sense that if pupils did n't do what they were supposed to do you thrashed them , or made them stand in the corner , or expelled them .
20 Gregory argues that if God did not take on a humanity like ours , then we are not redeemed ; for it was through sharing our humanity that Christ redeemed it .
21 They emphasised as their ‘ final and most important lesson … that if hooligans did not behave like hooligans at football matches there would be no such risk of injury ’ ( ibid.:8 ) .
22 In her book Beautiful Theories , the late Elizabeth Bruss made a revealing examination of the way in which Barthes 's different translators carried out their task ; she shows that whereas Heath did not disguise the difficulty and opacity in Barthes 's texts , his American translators turned them into smooth narratives .
23 In 1835 , for example , just five years after Roberts had sketched the recumbent city of Jerusalem , we find the French writer Alphonse de Lamartine returning from a visit there to recommend to his readers in Voyage to the Orient that since Palestine did not really constitute a country , it presented remarkable opportunities for imperial or colonial projects .
24 The interesting thing is that while Applegarth did not return to his trade , or to the union movement , he retained his political radicalism to the end of his days : for another fifty years .
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