Example sentences of "not being [vb pp] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 I am not taking an easy road and that I risk not being understood by many fellow countrymen , " he wrote , " but this is the only road I can follow in conscience .
2 I can not give a reliable date as to when the Metropolitan police report in the case of the first matters will be available , but I have no reason to suppose that it is not being prosecuted with all celerity by the dedicated team that the Commissioner has made available .
3 The persistence of the white chalk facies outside the new mountain belts must clearly indicate a long period when the Eurasian and American plates were not being affected by any major continental collisions .
4 If Zuwaya disliked policemen as a category , and took pride in not being related to any , that was in part because in the past ordinary people got their main experience of corruption and venality in the first instance from the police , and that reputation stuck ; and partly also because they recognized that policemen had divided loyalties and could not be trusted to be loyal exclusively to their kinsmen .
5 " Since we 're not being led to any buffalo , take one of those muntjac does .
6 Is the Minister aware that the best return for that good work is not being achieved in that shortcomings in the law allow the higher echelons of terrorist organisations — their command and control structures — to remain free to walk the streets with impunity , despite the fact that the RUC has provided high-grade intelligence about those people ?
7 He is not being treated in any way that need worry you .
8 Our children are not being served by this code and it 's time for the government to bring in a complete tobacco advertising ban
9 Even leaving aside Ross 's anger at not being consulted about such an important decision , it would be irresponsible to put her own needs and desires above those of the children .
10 It is a sad day when we are grateful for not being abused in this house , but it 's about all we have to be thankful for until this wretched system is altered , root and branch .
11 That is not being said by any other country or Government in the Community .
12 In being empathetic one is recognising the other person 's feelings , and one 's own answering response , but not being swamped by either .
13 Conversely , whilst there may in a few cases be valid reasons for a high quality paper not being submitted to such journals , it could be argued that in some cases publication outside the core represents a negative value judgement on the quality of that research .
14 Conversely , whilst there may in a few cases be valid reasons for a high quality paper not being submitted to such journals , it could be argued that in some cases publication outside the core represents a negative value judgement on the quality of that research .
15 But he said the incidents were not being linked at this stage and he could not say the same people were responsible for each theft .
16 In order for successful approval to be granted all preferred issues must be changed to either LATEST-ISSUE ( if the module is being changed via this package ) or SELECTED-ISSUE ( if the module is not being changed through this package ) .
17 It was found that 599 ( 56 per cent ) were classifiable as ‘ new cases ’ , that is , as not being known to any of the agencies in the first survey , and having no known first contact date with an agency prior to April 1985 .
18 Brinson had by this stage , therefore , acquired a reputation of not being committed to any one institution , and enquiries pointed to him as a neutral Chairman of the new panel , which he was asked to chair , and by virtue of his chairmanship he also became a member of the Creative and Performing Arts Panel , and then Board .
19 Since we know from other evidence that the warrior and mercantile classes of Europe were not being depleted in this period — on the contrary , were steadily rising — we can see here further evidence of the rise in population of this age , a rise all the more striking since it could continue and grow in strength even though so many men and women were following a life of celibacy .
20 Or between wife and husband , we tend to think only of transfer from husbands to wife , but er we do meet quite er a w er ladies who 've got quite high earnings and they themselves are paying forty percent in which case they should make sure that any investment income of theirs is transferred to the husband , so as to get the , to either use up allowances that are not being used at all because of absence of the income , or to benefit from these different rates of tax .
21 When it is not being used for these purposes it is available for use by other organisations .
22 Fazisi was not as competitive , maybe due to the Soviet crew not being used to such advanced technology .
23 A restraint is considered to be available if it is not being used by another child or adult .
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