Example sentences of "not have [vb pp] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 This might not have led to a massive reduction that saw the rabbits left at the lowest desirable number , but it was the best that could be done under the circumstances .
2 Spain would have been cowed without Wellington 's field force : Wellington could not have operated with a small army without the diversionary effects of Spanish resistance .
3 They told the inquiry that if a particularly strong FM transmission was made very near the radio it might be possible for it to pick up the sub-harmonic at around 14 MHz but that such a signal could not have emanated from a low-powered , hand-held type of two-way radio .
4 The Prince could not have hoped for a better platform .
5 She could not have guessed how much she would enjoy herself with a stranger , how completely this woman was in sympathy with her , could not have hoped for a new friend to come out , at this stage in her life , and give her so much pleasure .
6 A study by Parker , however , using a national sample , reached conclusions which were slightly more supportive of labour mobility programmes : Only 13 per cent of his sample said they would not have moved without a grant but 56 per cent said they would have found it difficult to move without a grant .
7 He could not have asked for a clearer-case of his anti-Christian enemy ‘ trampling on the moral law ’ than in Hungary .
8 I could not have asked for a better introduction to the summer Alps ’ .
9 If the cast had needed a demonstration of Michael Banks 's genuine warmth , they could not have asked for a better one than the way he dealt with Alex Household .
10 Some of the stimulus for this came from a survey of senior medical students , yet when 30 current house officers were consulted all but two said that , though they would be happy to have the opportunity to apply for both jobs at one hospital , they would not have applied for a one year block contract that restricted them to one hospital .
11 ‘ If I was lonely , I would not have gone to a teacher and said so — he would have told me to pull myself together .
12 The reader will recall how Keynes would not have disagreed with a single syllable of the above diagnosis .
13 It is idle to speculate on the source of leaks — that I did learn in my years in Government — but what was certain was that the Telegraph story could not have appeared at a worse time .
14 In the past , your affection would not have ended in a hug and the giving of warmth to each other .
15 I would have behaved in the same manner , but I would not have apologised to a man who had just given such a small sentence for the criminal act of killing two innocent victims .
16 But again , some of the ladies whom my brother Sam bedded with … well , I would not have touched with a 20 foot pole .
17 It does seem likely , however , that after Valens jurists would not have reverted to a negative interpretation , for various interpretative principles were settled in the course of the development of the Roman law of succession , and many of them were aimed at determining the meaning of dispositions in which the testator had left an important point undetermined .
18 According to Mr Dieter Brauninger , an economist at Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt , the newcomers could not have arrived at a better time : a period of dynamic growth , when gaps created by the fall in the birth rate in the past two decades need to be filled .
19 Larkins , who made 103 before retiring to give his team-mates a bat , could not have wished for a better comeback , and with Robin Smith making a stylish 70 , England made 263 for four from 50 overs .
20 Such employment leaps in particular industries could not have occurred in a tight labour market with slow labour-force growth .
21 In Peking 's eyes , the Nobel Peace Prize could not have come at a worse time .
22 The invitation could not have come at a better time .
23 The timing of the announcement could not have come at a more politically sensitive time .
24 For Sinton , who made his England debut in Poznan in the crucial final qualifier against Poland last November and was a member of the England B side that defeated France B at Loftus Road in February , that run could not have come at a better time .
25 This could not have come at a worse time , with the prospect in view of becoming an ‘ officer 's lady ’ .
26 She could not have come at a worse time ; a few hours after she arrived , she was a helpless burning hulk , with most of her passengers and crew dead .
27 And the announcement of the engagement could not have come at a better time for the battle-weary Royal Family .
28 It could not have come at a worse time for the Royal Family , almost on the eve of the wedding of Princess Anne to Commander Tim Laurence .
29 His first injury in English football could not have come at a worst time .
30 ‘ Then my news could not have come at a better time ! ’
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