Example sentences of "not been [vb pp] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Since subscriptions for membership have not been increased this year , one way in which everyone could help would be to add a donation — no matter how small — when sending in their subscription fee .
2 I was not given the run of the pavillon and I took it that , since I had not been extended this facility , I was not welcome to it .
3 We 're simply saying that it 's not been demonstrated that regeneration of West Yorkshire 's been taken into account .
4 ‘ Over the past hundred years there has never been a real commitment to the formation of a contemporary art collection and the cost of establishing one has not been given much thought ’ , says Corral .
5 ‘ We are asking staff who have not been given another location to turn up at their nearest branch , where a desk and computer terminal will be provided for them . ’
6 We have still not been given any kind of direct word , we 've not been back in direct communication with them .
7 She had not been given any choice in the matter .
8 Because she had been detached from it at the most traumatic moments , she had not been caused any distress but was well able to see how the combination of Daniel 's various experiences could have led to her phobia about water .
9 Also , it had certainly not been ploughed this century , if at all .
10 The workers ' faith has not been repaid this week — in a region which had escaped many of the severe job cuts which had hit other cities .
11 I mean I 've got some indications in er a couple of books I 've got in the car , er but erm again I 've not been asked that question you know , what 's the bullion return , things like that , it 's , it 's a little bit out of the ordinary , but you can find the figures .
12 The objections to assessing whether the hearing would have made a difference are not confined to those expressed by Megarry J. A superior court in the context of review is not in a good position to calculate whether a hearing would have made a difference , and to do so could well leave the individual with the feeling that he has not been afforded any opportunity of controverting the public body 's view .
13 And , interestingly , of all the Royal ladies , Princess Michael and the Duchess of York have not been accorded that privilege .
14 In Vale Royal , 30pc of registration forms have not been returned this year , meaning that thousands of people may lose their vote .
15 One element — that of the private mines — has not been mentioned this evening .
16 They 've not been allowed any breakfast . ’
17 Dr Richard Allan , establishment director , said : ‘ They 've not been allowed any alcohol .
18 The first practice game for Brian Horton as manchester city manager was in the back garden of his woodstock home with twins matthew and lucy … some United fans are glad to see him go … sadly his passion for good football … his achievement of keeping a small club alfoat with little or no money has n't been given enough credit … he did the club proud …
19 The first practice game for Brian Horton as manchester city manager was in the back garden of his woodstock home with twins matthew and lucy … some United fans are glad to see him go … sadly his passion for good football … his achievement of keeping a small club alfoat with little or no money has n't been given enough credit … he did the club proud …
20 And then they had all hooted with laughter and teased him mercilessly when they 'd arrived , because she had n't been seen all evening and they knew he was deeply disappointed .
21 The parents had n't been offered any sort of advice or counselling ; they had all received a letter from Paul Lee inviting them to come and talk to his department , but no one had offered them any information about their children ; if they wanted that they had to ring up the department and ask for it .
22 If that was all there was to it , we could be pardoned some uneasiness ; we might feel that we have n't been shown much reason for supposing that there are any sentences such that all who understand them will agree on their truth-value no matter what the circumstances .
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