Example sentences of "not be [vb pp] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A dog that gains a third prize is a dog that lacks quality and is not perfect in construction , but one that still can not be called a poor specimen .
2 This lexicon should not be seen a static repository of data .
3 If dialogue is being taped in stereo , the signals from the individual speakers should not be given a pronounced left and right stereo bias as this would conflict with the performers ' relative positioning as seen in shot .
4 Yesterday , the Soviet Union blamed Britain for the cancellation of a visit by a human rights delegation , saying British officials insisted on sending Mr Michael Bourdeaux of Keston College — someone they knew would not be given a Soviet visa .
5 In other words , his argument might be seen as an attempt to confront the common sense with the disconcerting fact that references to what are assumed to be numerically identical spatio-temporal particulars inhabiting an objective world " out there " can not be given a satisfactory justification , and consequently that one can not claim with certainty that such particulars represent the basic material of which the world is made up .
6 Here thoughts about Lucy and about gems are active together and can not be given a satisfactory literal translation describing exactly the degree of similarity between Lucy and a gem .
7 Such is the fluid nature of the Hindu syncretism that the unifying power behind the gods can not be given a single name .
8 They may define positions that have often been repeated , but they can not be given a timeless quality .
9 There could not be devised a sophisticated society in which there was no competition for ‘ jobs at the top ’ .
10 This present position should not be accorded a psychological fixity , which is somehow removed from the fluidity of historical development .
11 ‘ This , ’ he says , ‘ would allow the display in rotation of a lot more of the paintings that can not be found a permanent hanging space . ’
12 GRAHAM Taylor will not be offered a new contract by the FA — unless he leads England to a successful World Cup .
13 Her second visit could not be accounted a complete success , though we were much more intimate than before , and wept a lot together about the baby .
14 Suppliers are asked to state clearly where the overall responsibility for the success of the project will lie , if any aspect of the relationship proposed can not be considered a straightforward one of OUP as purchasers of goods and services from the supplier .
15 The Severn could not be considered a complete failure , however , for from it was developed the very successful Saro A.27 London flying-boat .
16 The HGT-1 cell line was isolated from a human gastric adenocarcinoma , and can not be considered a complete model for the parietal cell as it does not secrete hydrochloric acid .
17 1987 ) the court held that the police had wrongly considered the theft of 28 dogs owned by a Hunt as a serious arrestable offence as the loss to the members of the Hunt could not be considered a serious financial loss .
18 It would not be considered a serious loss by the company and the financial gain to the robbers was not necessarily substantial .
19 Nevertheless , they counter that the physical environment should not be considered a constant , even over the relatively short period of agricultural settlement in Great Britain , in part because of climatic change and its consequences , in part because of changes wrought by land use practices , and in part because of changed perceptions of the environment ; see also Prince ( 1971 ) , and Blaikie and Brookfield ( 1987 ) .
20 However , an environment in which people can not sleep adequately because of excessive noise can not be considered a safe environment .
21 Police have warned that despite last nights events , car thieves will not be allowed a free ride in the Oxford area .
22 You wo n't be given a great deal of feedback in that session , just enough to get you going .
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