Example sentences of "not be [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The people wearing Hard Yakka now might not be wearing it in 1994 , but the product has a wider appeal than a fickle , professionally-trendy minority . ’
2 We shall not be throwing everything into the air and rewriting systems that already work satisfactorily .
3 Yesterday Silas had assured her he would not be taking her to town — yet here she was , smartly dressed and ready to accompany them .
4 But the British Menopause Society is warning that many of them might not be taking it for long enough .
5 Chelmsford Chieftains know the full extent of the British Ice Hockey Association 's idiosyncrasies and will not be taking anything for granted as they prepare .
6 Mrs Knelle would not be meeting me until half past ten that night , after the theatre .
7 If people want to better themselves , they are entitled to enjoy this sort of instruction : it should not be denied them in a civilised society .
8 You will not be flirting at the kitchen door with the milkman and the coalman , and Matey will not be chasing you for doing so . ’
9 Unfortunately , however , Tony Walker will not be joining us until mid July , but I hope branches will be able to get going under their own steam in the meantime .
10 I should not be pressuring her in this way .
11 Putting this point on a more theoretical level , the musical field and the class structure at any given moment , though clearly not unconnected , comprise different ‘ maps ’ of social/cultural space , and they can not be reduced one to the other ( see Williams 1981 ) .
12 It is not that I am inferring information about him by analogy ; without the incipient mimicry I would not be perceiving him as a man , would be seeing him as an automaton only outwardly resembling myself .
13 There was an analogy here with Darwinian biology , where the species at a given time were real interbreeding units though they were all supposed to be descendants of one primitive form ; similarly the chemical elements were supposed by many to be all ‘ descendants ’ or polymers of hydrogen or helium , and therefore not truly simple bodies , although in ordinary chemical processes they could not be transformed one into another .
14 ( But , thought Alice , he would not be abandoning it for long ! )
15 Oh that 's November , December can we not be doing something in those five weeks on the environment ?
16 So after today , I shall not be cleaning you for a week . ’
17 Given the shortage of good creative talent , this is not that unusual , and if you find that your agency is using freelances , your immediate reaction should not be to fire them on the spot : give them credit for both knowing their own limitations and for buying good work from outside , always assuming that it is good ; but press them to get a permanent team working on your account soon — it is not in your interest to lose continuity of creative work on your account . )
18 Obviously , tenants will be unwilling to invest what may be considerable sums in refurbishing premises if at the end of the lease they will not be paid anything in recognition of the improvements to the premises which they have made .
19 As we said , we would n't be on the picket line now , and indeed the Union would not be backing us in what is proving to be a long and fairly expensive dispute , if we did n't believe that we had a very good chance of getting our jobs back and re-establishing the Union in Pergammon Press .
20 Molesworth claimed that the House would not be committing itself to the larger scheme , nevertheless it was not in a mood for what George Bankes called an ‘ extensive scheme to enable Cabinet Ministers to entertain foreign visitors and their friends ’ .
21 However we will not be showing it at Grosvenor House : it will remain in the greater grandeur of one of our new galleries in Bond Street .
22 ‘ Once you start taking people from poor families you might well be tempted to concentrate just on them , and in the end you wo n't be taking anyone from the streets at all . ’
23 ‘ We wo n't be taking it with us . ’
24 you certainly wo n't be getting it on the following Monday
25 Sally-Anne thought that Dr Neil might be a man , and therefore to be hated , but he was a good and caring doctor , and really should n't be abusing himself with alcohol .
26 Something tells me I wo n't be seeing her for a while either .
27 Several older NCT children have started school this year so we sha n't be seeing them at Open Houses now …
28 Then he observed in a flat tone , ‘ What a tragedy , in that case , that you wo n't be seeing him for a while . ’
29 And when I found out my Friday meeting was being moved forward and I would n't be seeing you after all I asked your Miss Philimore to cancel it .
30 He would n't be riding it in Hill View Road .
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