Example sentences of "not be [verb] [prep] all " in BNC.

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1 However , if the ribs can not be felt at all , the horse is too fat .
2 The starkest example would be unlimited life goods , where depreciation presumably would not be charged at all .
3 Alternatively , a private company need not be limited at all , and can trade as an unlimited company .
4 Solicitors are not permitted to enter into an agreement with their clients that purports to exclude their liability for professional misconduct ( which extends to professional negligence ) though subject to the following rules liability can be limited by contract : ( 1 ) liability may not be limited below the minimum level of cover afforded under the Indemnity Fund ; ( 2 ) liability can not be limited at all for fraud or reckless disregard of professional obligations ; ( 3 ) s60(5) of the Solicitors Act avoids any provision in a contentious business agreement purporting to exclude the liability of a solicitor for negligence or to relieve him of his professional responsibilities ; ( 4 ) ss2(2) and 11(4) of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 will apply to agreements between solicitors and their clients to ensure that limited liability provisions which do not fall foul of any other rule comply with the essential requirement of reasonableness .
5 erm I can not deny that erm they will not be received at all well by those that have to pay them .
6 1 was attracted by another that I had discussed on a visit to Europe : certain branded drugs would not be prescribed at all when entirely adequate substitute generic drugs existed .
7 The paradox here is that this variable is very difficult to access and would not be accessed at all if our field methods and analytic methods were inadequate ; yet , the variation has strong social meaning within the community .
8 Structural geomorphology is still sometimes allied with the study of landscape evolution and Ollier ( 1981 ) , in a view that would not be supported by all geomorphologists , has contended :
9 Some information is registered and acted upon , other information may register but be stored and recalled later whilst other information may not be registered at all .
10 It 's just possible Mr Deputy Speaker , it 's just possible I may not be selected for all kinds of reasons but if I was selected it might at least give the people of that lovely part of the world the chance of having the referendum they never had over Maastricht because of the shameful way in which the Labour party was not willing to allow the people to have their say on that vital issue .
11 A great deal of care in both societies , however , can be seen to be effective , and a good deal more can not be evaluated at all .
12 In either case some addresses will be generated more than once , while others will not be generated at all .
13 Firstly , many innovations are school-wide in their application and can not be implemented at all unless a number of teachers , perhaps even the entire staff of a school , both agree to , and become committed to , their implementation .
14 Without a harbour , the islands would probably not be inhabited at all , as the land area is only about 250 hectares .
15 Furthermore , the conclusions reached through therapeutic work with some patients can not be generalized to all mankind , or to human beings in very different cultural and social circumstances from those on whom the therapy was carried out .
16 They may feel that certain laws should not be made at all
17 But without wealth they can not be tackled at all .
18 It was corporation booty however , and it was only reasonable to expect that this early entertainment centre might not be firing on all cylinders .
19 His final reflection was that ‘ such a picture can not be defined at all until we find a way of describing whatever it is that makes first-rate entertainment what it is ’ .
20 The effects of the inversion decreases southeastwards and can not be seen at all in the south of Quadrant 53 .
21 The eating disorders and other forms of addictive disease may not be seen at all except in their extreme forms .
22 Their reports could be commented on by the head of mission ; but they might well not be seen at all by the imperial chancellor , who had formal responsibility for the conduct of German foreign policy .
23 finally , condition ( 5 ) can not be fulfilled in all occupations .
24 In this new state , the rule for unstack can not be applied at all , but the rule for stack has six instances : x is any one of the three blocks ; y is any block other than x .
25 Fears of a two-tier system of treatment between patients of fundholders and non-fundholders ‘ are largely confused ’ : Glennerster sees no reason why , with careful management , the benefits could not be extended to all patients .
26 That night , Edward took Erica to dinner at the Savoy Grill in the Strand and explained that he would not be leaving after all .
27 Some words can not be pronounced at all until their meaning has been recognised .
28 The force of their own gravity is so great that their collapse can not be halted at all .
29 Last October the Directive became UK law , although until 1 January 1996 it will not be enforced in all countries .
30 Not all companies are registered for VAT purposes and VAT may not be reclaimed on all relocation expenses .
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