Example sentences of "not within the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 decisions of those courts not within the hierarchy of the English legal system .
2 But the terms to achieve this end are not in Jharkhand , and not within the grasp of an independent Jharkhand State .
3 Such a task is not within the competence of the Commission .
4 The new constitution described the FRY as a " sovereign federal state based on the principle of equality of its citizens and its member republics " ; the republics had sovereignty over issues not within the competence of the FRY .
5 Waiting lists for marriage guidance can be many months long so the client comes to the CAB instead ; independent debt counsellors are rare outside the CAB ; unemployment causes stress that is not within the remit of the Job Centre , so the client comes to the CAB ; few of these problems have easy or immediate solutions .
6 As I say I do n't want to promise you something and and then and then at the end you say well hang on we did n't look at that because that 's not within the agenda of of these two days .
7 These are that the order impugned is not within the powers of the Act or that any requirement of the Act has not been complied with .
8 This diversity of view is manifested in Smith v. East Elloe Rural District Council in which their Lordships adopted a variety of views as to the meaning of ‘ not within the powers of this Act . ’
9 The sensible interpretation would be to read the phrase ‘ not within the powers of this Act ’ so as to include any of the traditional heads of ultra vires and there is authority for this position .
10 In its simplest form hearsay is evidence of facts which are not within the knowledge of a witness but have been communicated to him by another .
11 The Inland Revenue has now clarified the position ( Statement of Practice SP6/90 dated 27 April 1990 ) : ( i ) this section does not affect conveyances or transfers which fall within s83 of the Finance Act 1985 and Category H above ; ( ii ) if on a conveyance or transfer of property subject to a debt ( not within the provisions of s83 ) the transferee covenants ( either in the instrument or separately ) to pay the debt or indemnify the transferor in respect thereof such covenant constitutes valuable consideration and establishes the transaction as a sale for stamp duty purposes .
12 But it has always been recognised that , where individuals desire that services of a special kind which , though not within the obligations of a police authority , can most effectively be rendered by them , should be performed by members of the police force , the police authorities may ( to use an expression which is found in the Police Pensions Act 1890 ) ‘ lend ’ the services of constables for that purpose in consideration of payment .
13 Beyond that there is the deep-felt conviction that it is not within the rights of any person to use the machinery of state in order to force his conception of the good life on other adult persons .
14 The act must be ‘ judicial ’ ; if it is not within the functions of the judiciary in the State of execution , e.g. conducting conciliation in matrimonial proceedings or valuing property , the Request may be refused ( even if it is a judicial act in the requesting State ) .
15 To give a full picture of this past is a daunting task , not within the scope of this book .
16 In the course of time , however , the monotheistic principle began to assert itself , and for a complex of reasons not within the scope of this essay , the god Yahweh was elevated to a position of supremacy over all other deities .
17 Whilst I can not within the scope of a short book consider what each religion in turn has to say about God , I can at least take note of the religious pluralism of our time .
18 It is not within the scope of this chapter to reflect upon how such a combined change ( in teacher training and school organisation ) might affect the quality and style of young children 's learning .
19 However , loss or damage due to the fault of the guest is not within the scope of the innkeeper 's liability .
20 Nevertheless I am convinced that where , as here , a party can satisfy the court that there is a genuine risk of prosecution for some offence which is not within the scope of section 31 of the Theft Act 1968 ’ — e.g. conspiracy — ‘ or any similar statutory provision , it is not open to this court to substitute for the privilege against self-incrimination some other protection based on an order restricting the use of disclosed material .
21 It is not within the scope of this book to offer a full account of the development of socialist realism in France , yet the point that needs to emerge clearly at this stage is that contemporary hostile assessments are themselves a product of a post-Stalinist epoch reacting violently against the crude excesses of Cold War politics and cultural policy .
22 It is not within the scope of this book to enter into a detailed explanation of the technique of the horn , but the fact should be firmly grasped that it is based on the possibility of producing by means of varying embouchure the upper partials of the harmonic series derived from a fundamental note , the pitch of which depends on the length of the tube .
23 There may be services rendered by the police which , although not within the scope of their absolute obligations to the public may yet fall within their powers , and in such cases public policy does not forbid their performance .
24 On such a view , in so far as pragmatics is concerned with context , it can be claimed that by definition pragmatics is not part of competence , and thus not within the scope of grammatical descriptions .
25 It is not within the scope of this book to discuss in detail the circumstances when the purchaser will be entitled to rescind the sale agreement .
26 It is not within the scope of this book to discuss the sale and purchase agreement in any detail .
27 Lands disafforested during the reign of the usurper Stephen and subsequently reclaimed by Henry II were not within the terms of the Charter of the Forest .
28 Certainly not within the period of the current structure plan .
29 Most of the difficulties with the financial category were of this nature , and consequently not within the power of the defined problem-owner for this situation .
30 ‘ I in no way wish you to think that I am suggesting that delays and loss of documents should be treated lightly , but I would like to put forward the view that it was not within the power of my client to remedy the situation they took over from an authority since re-organised under Section 5c of the Reorganisation of Ancillary Services ( Domestic ) Act .
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