Example sentences of "not good [adv] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Tyrell ran the March team in 1970 but the car was not good enough for a driver of Stewart 's calibre so Tyrell decided to build and run one under his own name for Stewart .
2 However , the colour quality is not good enough for a conventional printing system to reproduce , what that needs is colour separations .
3 It really is not good enough for a spokesman for the official Opposition to come here in spite , without reading the official report by the independent advisory committee .
4 ‘ That attitude towards the future is not good enough for the British people .
5 They 're not good enough for the British people .
6 While East-West links across the Pennines are not good enough for the modern world , there are still the time-honoured facilitating gaps of Tyne and Aire , now complemented by the M62 .
7 The illusion that the country was performing adequately persisted , however , well into the second half of this century — partly because the empire provided protected markets for products that were not good enough for the most advanced countries , partly because of the accident of victory in two world wars .
8 That 's why I 'm trying to fill up the gap with a few concerts , but of course I 'm not good enough for the big dates , it will be mostly provincial engagements .
9 You ca n't away with er some bum figures like this one , it 's not good enough for the members to give , be given wrong information and I and I can tell you this we 'll be coming back again and then we would know and where they were getting where they were getting the seventeen homes
10 But that 's not good enough for the editor of the Oxford Mail , who devoted today 's front page to a call for urgent acfion .
11 ‘ It simply is not good enough for the government to turn a blind eye ; Darlington needs more police officers , ’ he said .
12 But although his next three rounds were more respectable , Olazabal 's final total of 287 was n't good enough for a place among the leading 24 who are awarded automatic invitations back to Augusta .
13 When he found this was n't good enough for the police , the result of speaking the truth being the lesser of two evils , he gave the name of a woman he had visited .
14 Lawrence insists the club needs 18,000 gates this term and warned : ‘ Last season 's 15,000 average is n't good enough for the Premier League . ’
15 The cause of much of Thom 's misery , it transpires , was the feeling — familiar to many victims of Fatal Attraction Syndrome — that he just was n't good enough for the person concerned .
16 Erm , I wear make up as a mask basically gives me confidence and it stops me having to be myself which I feel is n't good enough for the public
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