Example sentences of "not only to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Once , the oral tradition ensured that knowledge went not only to the brain but to the heart , to become the synthesis from within .
2 This led not only to the aggravation of unemployment problems but also to the lowering of labour force participation rates through earlier retirement and fewer married women returning to work after child-rearing — a phenomenon which , not surprisingly , was particularly marked in northern cities and industrial towns .
3 Moreover , this raises other questions about Cnut 's predecessors , questions without definite answers , but worth air-ing nonetheless , because relevant not only to the issue of how Swegen conquered England but also that of whether Cnut was already familiar with administrative institutions of an English type when he became its king .
4 That application form put him on the ladder , not only to the top of the Japanese profession , but to international recognition — on 1 January this year he took over the chairmanship of the International Accounting Standards Committee .
5 To do so was to court death and to surrender , not only to the hurricane , but to surrender a nation , however small , into the hands of killers .
6 Richard Branson agreed to advance £200,000 to complete The Great Rock ‘ n ’ Roll Swindle — but on the basis that Virgin had rights not only to the film but also to recoup the money from the group 's record royalties .
7 Ample car parking space provides excellent provision not only to the station , but to the working signal box , refreshment room and souvenir shop , plus the locomotive shed .
8 In such an event the guarantor should give covenants not only to the landlord but also to the tenant .
9 This may be distressing not only to the child and his or her parents but also to the unit staff who have got to know the pupil well .
10 This type of welfare can have immense benefit not only to the child but to the family as a whole .
11 Is he aware that is contrary to indications given by his civil servants , not only to the company but to the county council and to the Welsh Development Agency ?
12 Many have complex option features , related not only to the share price — as with warrants and convertibles — but possibly to interest rates and/or foreign exchange rates if the instrument includes issuer call or investor put features .
13 The covenants by the tenant relate not only to the payment of rent , but also to repair , insurance and user of the premises .
14 But such examinations must be adapted not only to the past ( what the candidate has actually learned at school ) but to the future ( what he will have to learn , understand , and be able to do next ) .
15 This accommodation , named " Hudson Flats " , bears witness not only to the enthusiasm with which the late Jimmy Hudson and his wife Mary worked for the provision of annual " Old Folks ' Holidays " , but also to the sum of £72,000 which they raised themselves towards the purchase of this property .
16 Lieb puts it well when he observes that the facade inscription on St Michael Berg am Laim — ‘ This is the Lord 's doing ; it is marvellous to our eyes ’ — paid homage not only to the King of kings , but also to the all powerful Josef Clemens , prince-bishop of Cologne .
17 To say that I see the squirrel with the black nose is to be committed not only to the existence of a visual experience , but also to the existence of something else .
18 Polymer solutions tend to fall into category ( iii ) and the non-ideal behaviour can be attributed not only to the existence of a finite heat of mixing but also to the large difference in size between the polymer and solvent molecules .
19 Enough money was raised for substantial donations to be made not only to the Society for the National Team 's September visit to Edinburgh , but also to the Sussex Cancer Trust .
20 One way would be for the letter detector for , say , Y-in-the-fifth-position to have inhibitory links not only to the word detectors for words which have any other letter in that position , but also to those detectors for words which have no fifth letter .
21 It applies not only to the appellant 's notice and respondent 's counter-notice , but also to the copy documents lodged by the appellant under Ord 59 , r9 including , of course , the transcript of the proceedings in the court below .
22 In addition , it is the young old — those in their sixties and seventies — who play a major part , disproportionate to their numbers , in the maintenance of voluntary organizations which contribute not only to the welfare of the disadvantaged but also to the cultural activities of the country at large .
23 Information should relate not only to the country as a whole but should apply to the locality where the expatriate is to live and work .
24 Gene therapy is emotive , with potential hazard not only to the patient but also to staff and the environment .
25 Jordan hoped that the conference would work towards a solution " leading not only to the withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Arab occupied lands , including Arab Jerusalem , but also to the delineation of Israel 's permanent borders , and finally peace " .
26 ( b ) The implied terms as to quality extend to the goods supplied The undertakings as to quality extend not only to the contract goods but also to other goods supplied under the contract , for example , a defective bottle in the case of a supply of ginger beer ( Morelli v Fitch and Gibbons [ 1928 ] 2 KB 638 ) , or mineral water ( Geddling v March [ 1920 ] 1 KB 668 ) .
27 Molla Husrev , for example , was , in 863/1459 , appointed not only to the kadilik of Istanbul but also to those of Galata and Uskudar as well as the muderrislik of the Ayasofya medrese .
28 The arrival of the TPS nationally has made the difference not only to the quantity of this activity , but in significant qualitative and strategic ways .
29 So massive a change of emphasis must be of fundamental significance , not only to the anthropologist and the social historian , but to the child psychologists , psychiatrists and psychotherapists whose very existence as a group depends upon the climate of opinion which regards their professional skills as valuable and necessary , and which places them on an equal footing in social esteem with the more anciently respected callings of the paediatrician and the pedagogue .
30 Good recognition performance is ultimately linked not only to the capacity of the system to extract and compare good feature sets , but also to the integration of context and knowledge in the different processing stages .
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