Example sentences of "not get [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 There 's not getting away from the fact that a perm is a chemical treatment that works by altering the structure of your hair .
2 Because you 're always walking around with that bloody notebook writing everything down , and you 're not getting anywhere near the truth …
3 But we can not get away from the realities that each of these individual areas of enquiry has brought to light .
4 It is important that we do not get away from the fact that , when any charge is laid , there must be evidence that will hold up for convicting somebody of that charge .
5 She can not get away from the House of Lords because of important parliamentary business .
6 because of our fears over water supplies , we have reduced abstraction to less than two thirds of our licence during the last 2 years , but we can not get away from the fact that this is a severe drought which affects every underground source .
7 But the reality is that 99% of artists working in London will not get anywhere near the shortlist .
8 A Durham City vehicle was despatched but could not get there within the 19-minute national guideline time for ambulance call-outs .
9 We have n't got close to the matter yet , we are n't really working at it . ’
10 This geezer has n't got much in the way of skills , but he 's fairly popular with the fans .
11 And she still had n't got much in the way of new property to recompense her loss — yet here he was behaving in this lofty , inconsiderate way , as if she did n't count at all .
12 ‘ She wo n't get here until the evening , ’ said Julia , ‘ so I 'll have plenty of time . ’
13 ‘ He ca n't get away at the moment . ’
14 I find I ca n't get away from the job .
15 I just could n't get away from the police .
16 You see , we ca n't get away from the fact that if Kemp was in London , he could easily have caught an earlier train .
17 Time , right , I am moving the amendment the reference back and I 'm handing those papers to the Chief Executive and I 'm gon na ask the Chief Executive to get someone independent to do this because you ca n't get away from the numbers that the numbers I 've get someone independent I 'll ask for that .
18 ‘ You ca n't get away from the fact that women vets are n't looked on kindly by farmers .
19 And he oh that 's , that 's a free life for them , you punch it and it 's the ghost that kills him , you ca n't get away from the ghost .
20 But , as their pint-of-water escapades suggest , you could n't get further from the truth if you said that the NHS was a financially viable concern .
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