Example sentences of "not go out [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Jochen and Elke warn Fabian not to go out on the streets on 7 October for the 40th anniversary of the formation of East Germany , and for God 's sake not to demonstrate .
2 Police warned that the man — aged between 18 and 30 — could strike again and advised women not to go out on the moor alone after dark .
3 It may be a boundary drawn for the toddler 's safety ( ‘ You are not to go out of the front gate ’ ) ; it may be to do with the teenager 's wellbeing ( ‘ You do an hour 's homework ’ or ‘ You have to tell me who you 're out with and where you 'll be ’ ) .
4 ‘ Lovely bit of weather , ’ said her father , and her mother remarked that she always thought it so silly of them not to go out in the country more when they lived so near to it .
5 Well you 're not going out on the razzle dazzle .
6 ‘ No you 're not going out to the cinema tonight .
7 ‘ Give me your number and do not go out for the next half-hour . ’
8 In the evenings , if the Eliots did not go out to the cinema or theatre together , they would often listen to the gramophone — he had an especial affection for the music of Bartok , although sometimes he would play the songs of Edward Lear .
9 Officers did not go out of the camp to work and they had no contact with women .
10 Older members of a family did not go out of the house in search of music but to get away from it .
11 Do not go out on the streets , he begged his compatriots — instead , put a lighted candle in the window for reform .
12 Oh , and by the by , I want you to promise me that you will not go out on the rampage with Rose again . ’
13 This time , Wilson did not go out in the street to wave goodbye nor did she weep .
14 You will not go out in the streets and you will not say anything in public .
15 The Lords of Trade asked merchants and other interests to give their opinions about policy ; a number of ministers had grants of their own for settlements in North America and clearly expected to benefit as landlords , though they did not go out like the Penns and the Baltimores to take an active role in running their properties .
16 are writing the remit and then the remits are n't going out to the other competitors .
17 He was n't going for a joy trip , he was n't going out in the boat just to se to while away an hour or so to relax and to unwind , he was n't going there to , just to get away from the crowd of people that had been following him and had been listening to him , he had a purpose in going in into the boat , to go to the other side .
18 I think this is because for the last five months I was pregnant I was so withdrawn and would n't talk to anybody — would n't go out of the house , I used to sit upstairs or here hoping she would n't kick too hard and my dad would n't see anything .
19 I love you should n't go out into the world , become a currency , a traded share , make profits for us .
20 ‘ So I ca n't go out through the garden ? ’
21 He found that he could n't go out with the lads anymore , and he felt he 'd lost his happy-go-lucky side .
22 Er they they did n't go out with the cart , just with a regular who used to go out with the with the horses and carts .
23 A lot of them worked with er coltsfoot it stayed in , it did n't go out with the sea-gusting . .
24 getting the child to obey requests/instructions during the course of the day ( e.g. ‘ Stop teasing your sister ’ , ‘ Put that chocolate back on the shelf ’ , ‘ Do n't go out on the road ’ ) ;
25 But they wo n't go out on the streets until officers using them have been fully trained .
26 Finishing the book and having to go back to take photographs specially for it left me a bit jaded , so I did n't go out to the Alps this year .
27 I 'm that 's why I ca n't go out during the day on Wednesday
28 Poverty was not experienced as a problem because there was so little that women wanted to spend money on ( 'No , I do n't go out in the evenings , Mother does n't like it . ’
29 ‘ But I ca n't go out in the street because every day in every street here there is a massacre by grenades .
30 She did n't go out in the evenings at all , feeling , in truth , no desire to see Mark 's old friends after her last disastrous escapade .
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