Example sentences of "not go [adv prt] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Arriving at Halling he was warned not to go on to Rochester as there was danger of his being captured on the road .
2 You 'd be mad not to go over to Paris and settle it .
3 ‘ I can remember Nick as a small boy , maybe five , begging me not to go back to London that Monday morning and to stay at home with them .
4 My resolve not to go back into education hardened , if anything , rather than softened , as I became more and more determined that the sacrifice I had made was not going to be in vain .
5 We 'll need somewhere dry to spend the night if we 're not to go down with pneumonia .
6 ‘ We drummed it in to all three of our children not to go off with strangers and Johanna was sensible enough to listen , ’ said Robert .
7 Her early school reports were peppered with comments , complimentary or judgemental , depending on the teacher : ‘ Margaret has a very active imagination ’ , ‘ Margaret must learn not to go off into day-dreams ’ , ‘ Margaret does not yet seem to have learned the difference between fact and fiction ’ .
8 I reckon the nuns beat her you are not to go out with boys !
9 As they passed one of the Mason 's guards , they startled him out of dozing , and he hastily got up , cursing them and telling them not to go out of sight .
10 There was also what was to become a recurrent feature of Gilkes 's reports — as indeed it had been for a half a century already — regret at the parents ' lack of faith or courage , which resulted in boys leaving early and not going on to University .
11 Not going along with stories of depression or stress .
12 I 'm not going back to Low Riding , I do n't care how filthy the oven is .
13 They had not told him they were not going back to Antibes and she saw no point in trying to talk to him about Maurin or Sabine Jourdain or Barbara Coleman while he was in this state .
14 I 'm not going back into camp to make tea until you put that nasty great thing away ! ( the gun )
15 Cos van 's not going back in morning .
16 Clough said : ‘ He is not going down with England again to do nowt .
17 Murrell , who was not going out with Gedge at the time , was surprised when the couple suddenly packed up , tore down their Wedding Present posters and left Leeds .
18 ‘ If only she would not go on about Cambridge so , ’ Miss Waters regretted .
19 Do not go on to fill in the objectives list until you and your partner have begun negotiations on your expectations .
20 It may or may not go on to say " produced in conjunction with brand X or company Y " .
21 Dermot joined me at Magdalen for my fourth year at Oxford ; Roddy did not go up to Oxford until the year after I had left .
22 She did not go up to London to see her lover without first drawing fifteen pounds out of her bank account , and thinking up a convincing story to tell her parents , and packing a good book to read on the train ( it was U.S.A. by John dos Passos , and she had read four and a half pages of it before she had been interrupted by her neighbour 's knee ) , and looking up her lover 's address in the A to Z.
23 Alistair did not go up to Leeds for the weekend .
24 An additional factor arises when keys do not go up in ones , but in twos , threes , fives , tens or some other increment .
25 We were not at a party , he did not go in for brunettes , and I was very much his junior .
26 Different objectives of different finns controlled and limited the techniques of production they could use ( eg. a firm developing prototypes of electronic equipment can not go in for mass-production ) .
27 The royal family does not go in for oratory , so the policy is evident mostly in endless American- and British-made videos on television , boasting of Saudi Arabia 's military and industrial prowess .
28 The French do not go in for diphthongs but have at least one vowel sound that almost defeats the Anglo-Saxon .
29 And when , to show what a good little wife I had become — Nonni thought that my aunts did not ‘ appreciate ’ me , meaning that they did not go in for endearments or tell me how pretty I looked — she pointed out , one Sunday lunchtime , how well I had starched the table napkins , Aunt Lilian said , ‘ But why ?
30 The Old Testament does not go in for saints .
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