Example sentences of "not a [adj] case [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This is not a suitable case in which to reopen the matter but I am bound to say that this case seems to show that there is room for an exception where examining the proceedings in Parliament would almost certainly settle the matter immediately one way or the other .
2 ‘ that it is not a simple case of money collected in the City being spent outside its borders ; though that , I suppose , would be true charity . ’
3 However , this is not a simple case of total censorship or heavy government control .
4 ‘ That was not a simple case of a husband obtaining a document from his wife ; it was also a case where the document had been obtained by a trustee from his cestui que trust by means of pressure and the concealment of material facts …
5 In order to support this position , one has to accept : ( i ) that the intention — recklessness distinction is the most significant dividing line for serious injuries , more relevant than factors such as premeditation or provocation ; ( ii ) that this is a workable distinction for the courts , especially in impulsive crimes , where the definition of intention may be fulfilled by a momentary realization of what is happening ; ( iii ) that it is so significant that a difference in maximum penalties between life imprisonment and five years ' imprisonment is appropriate ; and ( iv ) that there is not a strong case for phrasing the offences in terms of endangerment rather than of causing physical harm .
6 The figures are as unreliable as elsewhere — in 1976 there was not a single case of sexually transmitted disease reported from the county of Tipperary .
7 By a respondent 's notice the bank notified its intention of contending that the judge 's decision should be affirmed on the additional ground that he should in any event have exercised his discretion under rule 12.12 and set aside the registrar 's order on the ground that it was not a proper case for service of the originating application out of the jurisdiction ; and in particular because ( i ) the bank had at all relevant times no presence in , and/or sufficient connection with , England and Wales ; and/or ( ii ) the judge should have applied and/or had regard to the provisions of R.S.C. , Ord. 11 and , had he done so , should have concluded that the claims raised did not fall within the ambit of the order and that leave to serve out should thus be refused .
8 Is that not a clear case of fraud ?
9 And it was generally accepted that Grandad William Tallentire was capable of making his way in any society , so it really was n't a clear case of Grandma marrying beneath her .
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