Example sentences of "not be used [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Mogadishu airport had not been used for relief supplies since June 1 , when food aid had been stolen at gunpoint .
2 ‘ The IASC has spent almost 20 years in developing basic standards and it is unfortunate that they have not been used in practice .
3 Self-venting cylinders can not be used with corrosion inhibitors and are seldom installed these days
4 They should not be used with waste disposers .
5 But a mask is what it was , and he had hated the mask ; and unlike Falkenna , Sinisalo , Hollower , it could not be used at whim .
6 The postural muscles , on the other hand , can not be used at will .
7 There seems no good reason why herbs should not be used at home to cure many minor ills , in the same way that aspirin are useful for headaches , toothache , etc. , and the day may not be far away when a book of standard prescriptions using herbs is universally available .
8 Incidentally , bitches may not be bred from more than once a year and strictly not when under the age of two years old and dogs of two years and under may not be used at stud .
9 It can not be used on suede or synthetic materials .
10 It can not be used on aluminium or galvanised surfaces .
11 However , we suggest that the use of physiological data that can be influenced by medical and nursing intervention should not be used for audit .
12 While useful for assessing the severity of illness of individual patients or groups of patients , physiological data that can be influenced by medical and nursing intervention , such as that obtained by the APACHE II score , can not , paradoxically , be used to compare unit performances and must not be used for audit .
13 If the term ‘ beetle ’ gets its meaning from what is in the box , it can not be used for communication with others , who being ignorant of that beetle 's nature will not be able to understand the term .
14 Dr Nakajima , accompanied on his tour by Dr Jo Asvall , head of WHO 's European regional office in Copenhagen , said that he had been asked several times if Yugoslav funds frozen in the US and other countries could not be used for purchase of medical supplies .
15 During elections , Number 10 can not be used for party political purposes .
16 Category D1 — ( not for hire or reward ) — for passenger carrying vehicles with between 9 and 16 passenger seats which may not be used for hire or reward .
17 APACHE II scores on admission to ICUs can not be used for comparison of performances of ICUs as they fail to take into account the influences that management prior to ICU admission , such as stabilisation in an operating theatre or ward , may have on physiological variables .
18 In The Austin Co of UK Ltd ( LON/91/1990 ) No 7981 the appellant reclaimed input tax on documents which contained many of the particulars required by reg 13(1) , but each of which also contained the words : ‘ This is not a tax invoice and must not be used for tax input tax credit purposes .
19 Keywords can not be used as part of the user-supplied information ( e.g. within COMMENT fields ) .
20 They should not be used as part of the user-supplied entries ( e.g. in comment fields ) .
21 They should not be used as part of the user-supplied entries ( e.g. in comment fields ) .
22 Thus the finding of a series of coins terminating in about 150 BC could not be used as evidence that the occupation of a site ceased in about that year , for even if occupation had continued for another hundred years , no other coins would have been available to be used and lost .
23 A fingerprint was found — but she was told it could not be used as evidence and other officers were not questioned about it , she told an industrial tribunal .
24 Confessions which have been obtained as a result of oppressive questioning can not be used as evidence in criminal proceedings ( s.76 ) .
25 Hence the normality of 42 when the dogs referred to are of opposite sexes can not be used as evidence against the existence of two senses of dog , since it can be fully accounted for by claiming that only the general sense is operative .
26 ‘ unless a defendant is assured that information given in response to an order for disclosure can not and thus will not be used as evidence at his trial for the offences charged , he may well be entitled to refuse to supply the information on the ground that it would tend to incriminate him .
27 Gibraltar 's Court of Appeal rejected his claim that an alleged tape-recorded confession to the murders could not be used as evidence against him .
28 Other terms which are useful access points but which will not be used as index terms are listed in light type .
29 Any rights in respect of your TESSA may not be assigned and those rights may not be used as security for a loan .
30 Construction questions can not be used as material for challenge to the determination after it has been made unless the expert has addressed the " wrong question " : see Nikko Hotels ( UK ) Ltd v MEPC plc [ 1991 ] 28 EG 86 , discussed at 13.6.8 .
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