Example sentences of "not [vb infin] their [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Recognizing that authoritarians did not phrase their bigotry in unqualified statements , Adorno et al .
2 Men blend their behaviour less than women , but their androgyny and blending do not affect their susceptibility to traditional gender schemas ( Heilbrun 1984 ) .
3 Howard and colleagues do not compare their results with those of the pilot study , to whose success they owe their funding .
4 Rudolf Klein , in a remarkable about turn , concluded at the meeting at the Royal College of Physicians that , since purchasers can not make their decisions on rationing explicit , clinicians should make the decisions but make explicit whom they will not treat .
5 When Val was gone , Roland realised , with a shock like a religious conversion , that he did not want their way of life to go on .
6 Similarly , parents of children who have been victims of sexual offences may not want their child to be interrogated and to go through the trauma of reliving the experience in court .
7 They did not want their gesture to be viewed as part of that historical movement but as a genuine protest with genuine grievances .
8 The parents have said they do not want their schools to be self-governing but they see the legislation as the only way to avoid closure .
9 This is an interesting monument because the architect , Rodolfo Vantini , who completed the work in 1828 , wanted to get away from the conventional Roman triumphal arch , ( a decision said to have been as much due to the local inhabitants complaining that they did not want their view of the Lombardian Pre-Alps blocked as to any creative urge ) .
10 Barclays has run into a sequence of big borrowers who can not service their debts on time and can not sell their assets to repay the debts .
11 Customers in search of lounge furniture need not restrict their purchases to the conventional combination of settee and two armchairs .
12 Arrangements such as joint market research , and the joint execution of research work up to the stage of industrial application , were stated to be compatible with Article 85(1) , provided that participating companies did not restrict their freedom of action .
13 Users looking for information on a particular subject did not restrict their consultation to the subject portion of the catalogue .
14 Hindus do not worship their images of stone or metal .
15 As the statement makes clear : ‘ Students who are involved in sexual/romantic relationships with staff and who do not consider their involvement to be truly consensual should have the right of complaint under a sexual harassment policy . ’
16 That construction is intended to ensure that the courts do not substitute their view for that of the administrator just because they believe that a different conclusion would be more reasonable .
17 A Jacobite agent writing towards the end of Queen Anne 's reign thought that there were people in England who " wish the King [ i.e. " James III " ] well , who would not hazard their estates for him " .
18 Even in private encounters , judges do not discuss their cases with politicians , and in return politicians should avoid embarrassing judges by involving them in what are essentially political issues .
19 If the police are truly interested in being accountable to and building bridges with those that they police , why did they not discuss their plans with representatives of the community organisations on the estate ?
20 ‘ While certain highly specialist services are only available at specific locations , this does not lessen their accessibility to those patients in need of them , ’ he said .
21 In the end , the WICBC 's attitude that they could not accept any individual who did not uphold their tradition of sportsmanship prevailed , and Gilchrist played no more Tests .
22 He complained that health authority officials sitting on the Ling Trust board , including unit general manager Murray Duncanson , would not surrender their control over staff at the homes .
23 The young in West Belfast know their rights in relation to the RUC and British army , but they do not know their rights in relation to jobs .
24 Army personnel did not know their way around London and would need police escorts .
25 COMPANIES can not buy their way into these pages by sending free gifts to the editor .
26 Furthermore , if speakers did not avert their eyes during the planning ( hesitant ) phases in their speech , there was a marked increase in speech disturbances .
27 Nevertheless the dollar was the principal reserve asset , and was likely to remain so for as long as the rest of the world accepted dollars and the monetary authorities of individual countries did not exert their option of exchanging dollars for gold .
28 Most MPs who voted against Lloyd George in 1922 did not envisage a Unionist government as the final outcome , and the defeated ministers did not expect their discomfiture to be permanent .
29 Azerbaijani attempts to open a new front in the east through attacks on the Askeran region of the enclave from Agdam could not prevent their loss of control over Lachin on May 17 .
30 The strategy of continuing to exclude women from the union did not prevent their recruitment in ever greater numbers by the employers .
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