Example sentences of "not [vb infin] an end to " in BNC.

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1 The Synod 's decision does not signal an end to ecumenical relations .
2 But it did not bring an end to the speculation and confusion which was rending the civilized world .
3 Mr Maskey added that internment in any form would not bring an end to the republican campaign .
4 We are quite clear , and we were clear when we conducted the talks this summer , that they were not peace talks because they would not bring an end to the violence , but were one of the pressures that can be mounted against the terrorists .
5 After a meeting with the US secretary of state , Warren Christopher , in Washington , Britain 's Foreign Secretary , Douglas Hurd , warned that all non-humanitarian goods would be blocked from going into Serbia and Montenegro if the talks did not bring an end to the conflict .
6 This did not imply an end to the CME 's fungible link with SIMEX , but it did signal the realisation that regulatory complications made it unlikely that the mutual offset system could be extended around the globe .
7 Early attempts to eradicate mink failed , despite a reward on its tail , but the relaxation of bounty-hunting does not mean an end to suspicion and enmity .
8 Speaking at the launch of the Rothmans Rugby Union Yearbook 1992–93 RFU president Danie Serfontein warned that this could happen if the union feels that it can not put an end to illegal inducements , which he described as being ‘ widespread ’ .
9 The eight-year Iran-Iraq war , which ended in 1988 , did not put an end to the hostility between the two countries .
10 However , this legislation did not put an end to complaints about military obligation .
11 The Commonwealth did not put an end to the masque .
12 This did not put an end to their hunt for a privileged place in allied planning , nor did their efforts go unrewarded .
13 Fatal accidents involving children on farms always make distressing reading , but Mr Boswell ca n't see an end to those horrific accidents .
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