Example sentences of "not [vb infin] it [prep] all " in BNC.

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1 Now , it may or not me noticeable if it 's a minor alteration in the surface geometry then it may be so slight as to make no difference in the way it performs so if , for example , it 's an enzyme it may not affect it at all .
2 But when I later tried to find my way back to the dining-room to finish my meal , which should have been a simple thing to do , I just could not locate it at all .
3 At least , if the resources in question were printed ones we would not consider it at all acceptable for teachers to be compiling course bibliographies solely from their own publications .
4 We did not discuss it at all .
5 I did not know Salisbury well enough — Wendy did not know it at all — to grope my way to an hotel ( and , anyhow , we feared we had not enough money for a bed ) .
6 Anything less and we might as well not do it at all .
7 My response to these people is , if you can , t do the thing properly , then , please , do not do it at all .
8 She would not do it at all .
9 ‘ I do n't — yes , I could do that , ’ said Caspar , who could not do it at all , but could see that there was no other answer to be given .
10 He added : ‘ I was in a place once when a man fired a gun at me and I did not like it at all .
11 Lots of young couples do not use contraception on their first time , and many do not use it at all .
12 She sent for her confessor because she was in mortal sin ; she had withheld from him in confession a sin of which she was ashamed , but because he spoke sharply to her , she did not confess it at all this time either .
13 Sometimes this was easier and cheaper , especially as increasing population could outpace workhouse provision ; sometimes it was because the parish officers discriminated in their application of the " test " and did not apply it to all kinds of claimant .
14 You can not access it at all , except as the directory file , with SYS$LIFESPAN ( the non-concealed logical ) — SYS$LIFESPAN : [ PMR ] is an illegal syntax , and SYS$LIFESPAN:PMR will only give you access to DUA0 : [ SOFTWARE_LIBRARY ] PMR.DIR , not to DUA0 : [ SOFTWARE_LIBRARY.PMR ] .
15 I did not mean it at all , I thought it was vaguely amusing .
16 ‘ Either you support the programme or you amend it , which means you do not support it at all , ’ he said .
17 Gravity is the weakest of the four forces by a long way ; it is so weak that we would not notice it at all were it not for two special properties that it has : it can act over large distances , and it is always attractive .
18 It was not everyone who would have relished going off into the dark forest ; Lugh did not relish it at all , in fact .
19 Now Breeze produced some crackers , which they pulled with much laughter — and when a pink ‘ Glengarry ’ fell to the old man 's share , he did not spurn it after all , but actually put it on !
20 Similarly , the newly recruited engineer who six months previously was poring over the computer printout of a great new turbo-jet test run trying to find out why there was a short-fall in the power output will not find it at all easy if his first job is with a little four cylinder piston engine .
21 ‘ I do n't fancy it at all , Captain . ’
22 You wo n't need it on all the time will you ?
23 I mean , does it really bore them ( so that they do n't need it at all in their lives ) or does it secretly shock and dismay them , so that they have to pretend to be bored ?
24 Good God , yes I know it 's been very , very heavy here too , there were certain areas over here certainly needed a bit of rain , but now there 's certainly did n't need it at all
25 I do n't know it at all .
26 Hello do n't know it at all .
27 If you act a part properly you do n't act it at all ; you are it , and you make it — you .
28 Otherwise , it seems , we do n't buy it at all .
29 mean they had to stop eventually , but they would n't buy it at all , no way
30 But because of the recession , my husband and I could n't afford to pay our mortgage , so I had to go back to work and I do n't enjoy it at all .
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