Example sentences of "not [vb infin] to [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 It has also been widely assumed that members do not want to involvement in the policy-making process and that they join the party primarily for personal or social reasons .
2 Suppose , now , that the shed was clearly ban of everything and A's suspicions did not relate to theft in the shed .
3 companies as defined in companies legislation to account for finance costs which do not relate to revenue in the statement of total recognised gains and losses .
4 Eleven does not begin to rate in the surf numbers game .
5 The morality of Ulysses 's speech just can not apply to life in the Greek camps ; base instincts clearly hold sway outside , as well as inside , the Trojan gates .
6 He did not proceed to university in his seventeenth year but was instead apprenticed for £630 to the London wholesale grocery firm of Newnham and Shipley , in Watling Street It was a large indenture payment and coming , as it did , soon after his father 's death in March 1743 , was probably intended to secure a profitable mercantile future for him .
7 But managers do not respond to competition in simplistic ways and price signals , which are in any case weak , are usually ignored in favour of other factors which purchasers deem to be more important , for example GP referral patterns .
8 Many of them bought them and would not walk to school in the mornings without one in their Bart Simpson satchels .
9 Ls9 , the octamer peptide derived from ls6 by removing the C-terminal residue was not recognized : ls9 did not bind to HLA-B53 in the assembly assay ( Table 2 ) .
10 A real difficulty here is that legal aid does not extend to representation in the tribunal .
11 Legal advice and assistance on child care matters is available under the green form scheme but can not extend to representation in court although it may cover the cost of a solicitor attending court with a client as an advisor ( Legal Advice and Assistance Regulations 1989 , reg 21 ) .
12 I said to him : do n't go to sleep in the middle of rehearsals !
13 They would n't go to bed in their bedroom after she had a horrible job with them .
14 When I told him we had recently come up from Southampton he said , " Gee , I would n't go to sea in that little tub for double my wages . "
15 Oh yeah , yeah , he did n't go to school in Harlow
16 I could n't talk to Mama in the same way as I 'm doing now .
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