Example sentences of "not [vb infin] such [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Most people do not want such offences to be tolerated .
2 We do not believe that such operations can be shown to meet our public transport target safety level , and it may be that some of our European colleagues do not consider such operations to be public transport , or do not apply the same target level of safety to such operations .
3 Another implication of ( 16 ) , or ( 15 ) , is that , apart from questioning the adjective , the language would also provide a means to question the noun phrase alone while " leaving behind " the predicate qualifier ( even though one might not expect such questions to be particularly common in practice ) , and in fact such questions are perfectly grammatical : ( 21 ) who(m) did he paint seated ? what did he send registered ?
4 They must not keep such gifts to themselves .
5 It was also revealed in a vision that the future pope should take the Church as his wife , and more such visions were experienced but , says the biographer , he refrains from recounting them because Lothar did not like such phenomena to be reported .
6 However , given the existence of such a secret there is an implied duty that an employee will not disclose such secrets to another or use them himself .
7 We agree that we will hold in strict confidence all information obtained from [ Growing Business PLC ] and will not disclose such information to others or use such information except in connection with the performance of the services agreed in this letter .
8 We agree that we will hold in strict confidence all information obtained from [ Growing Business PLC ] and will not disclose such information to others or use such information except in connection with the performance of the services agreed in this letter .
9 We agree that we will hold in strict confidence all information obtained from [ Growing Business PLC ] and will not disclose such information to others or use such information except in connection with the performance of the services agreed in this letter .
10 We agree that we will hold in strict confidence all information obtained from [ Growing Business PLC ] and will not disclose such information to others or use such information except in connection with the performance of the services agreed in this letter .
11 We agree that we will hold in strict confidence all information obtained from [ Growing Business PLC ] and will not disclose such information to others or use such information except in connection with the performance of the services agreed in this letter .
12 But its political interests would have been — and were — better served by a lower growth-rate ; for this was less damaging to non-monopoly capital and the working class , and therefore did not provoke such hostility to monopoly capital .
13 Why not leave such changes to market forces ?
14 The orders did not require such action to be taken .
15 But the civil service structure of broadcasting did not allow such people to be employed on a full-time basis , and when funds were short the fees paid to freelance contributors of this kind were often the first items to be cut .
16 I ca n't say such things to you without turning your head .
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