Example sentences of "not [vb infin] them [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This suggests that something is amiss with the job definition and , by implication , also with education and training which does not prepare them for the reality .
2 Who knows what the exact situation will be and what problems will arise as those changes are forced upon the Scottish people who did not want them in the first place ?
3 For this reason , the fact that three of the forty women had paid domestic help does not disqualify them from the title ‘ housewife ’ .
4 The courts recognise these limitations , which are inherent in any system of taking evidence abroad ahead of the trial , but can not regard them as a sufficient objection to the making of the order .
5 Orthodox constitutional theory bestows on individual members the right of independent action and does not regard them as the representative of the party without which they would not have been elected ; over-solicitude for the wishes of their constituents would probably lead them into conflict with the party in parliament .
6 But you must not build them on the graveyard .
7 He could not trust them to the dairymaids , because if the cows were badly milked their milk would simply dry up .
8 Paint and varnish slow down moisture changes in wood but they do not prevent them for no paint is impermeable to water vapour .
9 I can not chuck them at the last minute .
10 Certainly the tabular method of presenting results does not show them in the best light and the use of graphs would have made them much more accessible .
11 They were able to be original in their methods precisely because the Labour movement was weak and did not trap them in the confines of established institutions and procedures .
12 Most countries organize censuses of their population on something like ten-yearly intervals , but not all do , and they certainly do not do them at the same point in time .
13 So do strong aggressive animals which are well able to protect their babies even if they do not deposit them in a den deep underground .
14 The Christian communicators ' awareness of the essential role of the Holy Spirit does not provide them with a short cut to achieve instant impact .
15 Then , although I did not believe them for a moment , I stored them away in my memory against a rainy day .
16 Although they will gallop around trying to get rid of the bot-fly , they seem to quickly discover that the bot will not follow them into the dense shade of a shelter shed or stable .
17 Some were canonised and others — like Eckhart and Tauler — were hounded by the Church , but all were seen to be of enormous importance by their contemporaries , even by people who could not follow them into the inner world .
18 When taking notes it is important to write down any new words or concepts , even if you do not understand them at the time .
19 Once outside , she breathed a sigh of relief , and strolled with Theda around the left of the house , next to Switham Thicket , so that Araminta would not see them from the window of her parlour .
20 Do not use visual aids for the sake of using them and do not use them as a defence to hide behind if you are nervous .
21 Why they did not use them in a manner that would almost certainly have sealed the fate of the French at Verdun seems to us almost incredible , and so indeed it seemed to contemporary German critics .
22 We need to offer disruptive children an education that does not limit them in a straitjacket designed to serve the political and economic needs of a society characterised by a culture of individualism .
23 Clearly , if the knowledge that classes A and B were once distinct is no longer present in speakers ' minds , they can not pick out the class B items and so can not separate them from the merged class and then re-merge them with a completely different class .
24 He need not return them to the seller , who if he wants them must come and collect them , section 36 .
25 Since then , negatively , he did not number them among the twelve , it may be held to have been his intention not to do so .
26 In a national park , 33 such species were found : one endemic ( Acacia koa , Leguminosae ) though six other indigenous species were pantropical coastal plants , but three others with such nectaries elsewhere in their range did not have them in the Hawaiian populations .
27 The people in the street outside may tell the market researchers that they are more confident than they were six months ago , but that does not take them into the shop , put their money over the counter or pay the staff wages of the retailer .
28 He added that this order would leave it open to the Press to deal with the questions of principle so far as they did not apply them to the facts .
29 where goods are so ] d by a person who is not their owner , and who does not sell them under the authority or with the consent of the owner , the buyer acquires no better title to the goods than the seller had , unless the owner of the goods is by his conduct precluded from denying the seller 's authority to sell . ’
30 Why not circulate them to the whole group .
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