Example sentences of "not [vb infin] much [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 The capture of the village yesterday evening did not make much difference to our situation in and around the village .
2 A second major defect of UDG was that it did not make much difference to cities as a whole .
3 In practical terms it may not make much difference to consumers when they do that . ’
4 She may find new capabilities in herself and her present machine , advanced technology does not make much difference to the finished result and costs a lot .
5 The food was excellent and I was not charged much because the cooking was done on quite a large scale — I was not a big eater so my lunch did not make much difference to the running of the place .
6 Observers suggest that the White Paper 's proposals will not make much difference to the overall amount of coal burnt in the UK , although a greater proportion will be likely to come form UK sources .
7 The latest findings may not make much difference to clinical practice in this country .
8 But Leeds ' own tartan terror , Gordon Strachan , insists it does not make much difference to players with championship credentials .
9 Qaddafi speaks of a larger effective grouping , the nation ( he does not give much space to the solidarity of the world ) .
10 Task allocation also means that nurses become very familiar with doing particular procedures , even though they may not give much thought to why they are doing something .
11 I did not give much thought to the possibility of their innocence and in fact thought that they were both involved with Mathews in the crime .
12 I give him credit for that , although I can not give much credit to his policy of favouring a 50 per cent .
13 ‘ The first chapter was enough , ’ snapped Mrs Frizzell indignantly , glad that she did not have to explain that she did not give much time to reading .
14 Concentrating on his first reason , Sophie did not give much attention to his last remark .
15 Convents of mere women probably did not have much access to precious books in those days before printing .
16 Unlike many other professions or hobbies , photographers do not have much access to courses where they can hone their skills , although you will occasionally see ads on the back of the Irish Times .
17 But sound also casts sonic shadows , though other than noticing that shutting the door can reduce the sound , we do not pay much heed to it .
18 I did not pay much attention to it as the time , because we had n't decided which peak we were going to attempt .
19 WAITING at tables may not seem much fun to most people but in Hollywood anything goes , says 24-year-old head waiter Richard Partington .
20 The court will take into account the fact that the landlord must prove a statutory ground of opposition in order effectively to operate the break-clause ( Adams v Green ) and accordingly will not attach much weight to objections which could be raised by the tenant when the landlord seeks to operate the break-clause ( Amika Motors Ltd v Colebrook Holdings Ltd ) .
21 While the USTA does not offer much support to these private ventures , it is nevertheless — and despite the criticism levelled at it — making a tangible effort to support black tennis in a country where whites still dominate .
22 He need not devote much time to the programme once it is up and running , since most of the work performed by a rehabilitation programme can safely be delegated to nurses , clinical assistants , physiotherapists , occupational therapists , psychologists , dietitians and others .
23 ‘ It does n't make much sense to me , Tom . ’
24 Actually , the reports concerned various research grants won by Professor Bamforth and though the reason for the grants was there in black and white , it did n't make much sense to me .
25 I did n't make much sense to me and I was n't sure what we decided to do and erm you know I think it 's slightly inaccurate , but never mind .
26 Well , another few weeks in prison wo n't make much difference to your brother , but it might to my niece .
27 That 's a neuralgia pain you 've got , that 's Brufen would n't make much difference to that Agnes .
28 ‘ It ca n't make much difference to us here though can it ? ’
29 It does n't make much difference to us , we 're not that hard up , that we ca n't afford
30 If whoever bought it had an unsavoury reputation it would n't do much harm to the seagulls or Brent geese .
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