Example sentences of "not [vb infin] that [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 And I fear I can not answer that question to anyone 's satisfaction .
2 Once they had established that all men were equal before God and that all men were theoretically capable of finding out , for themselves , what God demanded of them , they could not confine that principle to the religious sphere , no matter how much they may have wanted to .
3 Think about it : if marriage is a partnership , the fact that one may be functioning in a responsibility that provides the income does not entitle that partner to sole ownership .
4 From the fact that in some circumstances consent is valid , it does not follow that consent to the government 's authority is valid .
5 The net result may be neutral as Mr Lamont claims , but it does not look that way to the casual viewer who may as a result end the day in a gloomier mood than he began .
6 The Government document , however , does not take that road to the problems of Scotland 's health .
7 Plainly you can not apply that view to everything or the whole of your business is in a continuous state of stop/go , or like the good old Duke of York 's troops , marching up and down the same hill with monotonous regularity .
8 That invention had been awarded an English patent but B did not mention that fact to the plaintiffs , and after he left he acquired it .
9 Umm do n't do that darling to the flowers .
10 yet it did n't feel that way to the young doctors .
11 ‘ Lady Blemley ! ’ cried Mrs Cornett , ‘ do n't send that cat to the kitchen .
12 He had guessed that Hardy would n't keep that titbit to himself .
13 If you carried it too green , erm I ca n't remember that happening to our but I 've heard of some people , having to cut a shaft down into the stack you know .
14 But he could n't see that happening to Henry .
15 And if Sikes does n't return that boy to me , dead or alive , I 'll tell the police about him and I 'll get Sikes hanged .
16 We do n't sell that product to anybody .
17 Erm they do n't take that attitude to local government elections .
18 ‘ Do n't name that man to me , do n't mention him ! ’
19 do that when we go , we sha n't go that way to Venice when we go shall we ?
20 A married woman with three children , Karen believed that all lovemaking was rape , even when it did n't seem that way to either of the participants .
21 ‘ Do n't talk that non-talk to me !
22 ‘ Do n't say that word to me .
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