Example sentences of "not [vb infin] [pron] for the " in BNC.

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1 It will not cover me for the hearing .
2 This suggests that something is amiss with the job definition and , by implication , also with education and training which does not prepare them for the reality .
3 But it is too soon for him to face the likes of Devon Malcolm , and Fletcher said the tour selectors would not consider him for the pipe opener in Faridabad .
4 Buying a ticket for last night 's game does NOT guarantee one for the all-Ireland clash in November — unless a formal application was made at the time of purchase to the IFA office .
5 During much of the book you do not feel anything for the androids , but as you see their struggle for survival and begin to sense that they have gained the feelings that humans are losing , you realise the irony of the book .
6 At first I can not see her for the heaps of people about her bedside , brandished with packaged sweets and magazines and flowers of white and purple .
7 Certainly Jenny did not see him for the first few evenings she was at Moorlake .
8 You 'll see — I 'll probably not see him for the rest of the week . ’
9 The hair on his face was untrimmed , and his nose had spread with drinking , but the weather-hard skin was not the skin of a drunkard , and if the hair on his temples was thinning , you could not see it for the leather fillet he wore .
10 ‘ People will not remember me for the amount of money I have accumulated so much as the titles I have won .
11 She lived for occasions and would not miss one for the world .
12 The book is intended for undergraduates in their second or third year of a philosophy degree , but this need not necessarily deter readers with other backgrounds ; e.g. , my father claims to be able to understand it , though perhaps he would not thank me for the suggestion that he is representative .
13 And since they certainly would not pay her for the work she had already done on the trousseau , where else could she go ?
14 Why is it that those countries can accept basic , decent minimum standards for their people whereas this Government will not accept them for the British people ?
15 At this point in Louis 's reign Nithard comments : " the emperor could now feel confident that the aristocracy would not desert him for the rest of his life " .
16 ( Jakobson associates relationships of contiguity with the figure metonymy , and those of equivalence with that of metaphor , a point which need not concern us for the moment , but which will become relevant in the discussion of Lacan later . )
17 Apart from anything else , I ca n't help feeling that if women let men get away with too much bad behaviour , men do not forgive them for the burden of guilt they then have to bear .
18 Batty could n't make it for the second half against Villa after a recurrence of a calf injury he received against Wimbledon last Saturday .
19 ‘ To be honest , I could n't even say when I 'm going to be back but I 've got to realistically think I wo n't make it for the European Cup . ’
20 ‘ I shall get into something comfortable , ’ she said , ‘ and then I sha n't want anything for the whole afternoon . ’
21 I know you could n't hurt her for the world .
22 I would n't hurt her for the world . ’
23 He closed his eyes tightly ; then in a much quieter voice , he said , ‘ Pet , you know I would n't hurt you for the world , but you 're hurting me .
24 All you have ever read about the delights of fast-jet aerobatics still ca n't prepare you for the utter , mind-blowing super-smooth , almost silent exhilaration of the real thing !
25 ‘ I do n't need them for the moment , ’ said Apricot , ‘ because Bernard and I do n't do it .
26 You do n't need me for the moment , but I 'll be back this afternoon .
27 We do n't need it for the expansion of our race ; indeed , it 's inimical to orderly civilization .
28 I 'm not particularly fond of the control layout , either ; all the pots in a row look a bit ‘ lumpy ’ and do n't do anything for the line of the body .
29 It did n't do anything for the tenants of this city or did n't put any new proposals forward .
30 ‘ No I do n't do it for the money really .
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