Example sentences of "not [vb infin] [verb] [pron] to " in BNC.

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1 They naturally did not think to apply it to their own empires .
2 I would not want to return you to your female progenitor in what , from my briefings on human culture , I perceive to be an indecorous condition . ’
3 No , the Whip does not want to say something to me .
4 We need land at our doorstep … if Russia does not want to give it to us , she will force us to undertake an expropriation proceeding , i.e. a war , for which we have long stored up the reasons …
5 For someone of this persuasion , who does not want to attribute everything to the workings of power , the problem obviously arises of why the sexes should have distinctive linguistic subcultures at all .
6 A Punjabi speaking volunteer was suggested to sit in , but this was not acceptable as the family did not want to commit themselves to a regular time for the volunteer to call .
7 The tone of the article was that Charman was getting out because he did not want to commit himself to the group on a full-time basis .
8 After certain difficulties with the manager of the Old Vic , who did not want to commit himself to the play on the basis of the bare outline which had been shown to him , Browne approached the theatrical impresario , Henry Sherek , and asked him if he would care to produce the play — with Browne as director — at Edinburgh .
9 He may not be able to call upon the driver who took over the car to support his defence and to help him discharge the balance of probabilities in his favour , because that driver would not want to expose himself to the criminal charges of aggravated car theft .
10 I would not presume to add anything to the Word of God but I have a sneaking suspicion that if Isaiah had been writing in the 1990s he might have added a phrase .
11 King George V always had strong views as to who was suitable for which office , and did not hesitate to express them to his Prime Ministers .
12 ‘ We have a certain operation ahead of us and we would not like to disclose it to the press , ’ team leader Nikita Smidovitch said in Manama last night , hours before a UN plane was to fly to Baghdad .
13 As he left , though he did not like to admit it to himself , Huy felt his sadness tempered with relief .
14 I did not plan to submit it to anyone .
15 I was now twenty metres up in the air , and I desperately hoped he would not decide to throw me to the ground .
16 Without it , she could not have given herself to him so completely .
17 But you do not have to confine yourself to just one murder .
18 Bank CDs are negotiable pieces of paper ; you do not have to hold them to maturity ; you can sell them instead .
19 On the other hand Mrs Singh would lose all her social contacts in the local community once she did not have to take him to school every day .
20 Theoretically , the Council should have been a cross-section of the people socially ( as we have seen it was geographically ) : its members were appointed by lot , they served only for a year at a time , so that the Councillors should not have felt themselves to be a cohesive hereditary body like the old Areopagus or the ( semi-hereditary ) Roman Senate , and they could not serve more than twice in their lives .
21 However , this has been used mainly for those whose crimes would not have sent them to prison anyway .
22 Nevertheless , one would not have wished her to be miserable .
23 He could not have returned you to England no matter how hard he had tried . ’
24 But perhaps he could not have attracted them to The Other Story .
25 A special feature is the principle of delayed and informed choice by which students gain a broad foundation in the study of the humanities and do not have to commit themselves to their degree programme until the end of the first year .
26 Again , it is not quite like joining a club , because you simply attend , you do not have to commit yourself to anything more than that .
27 My friend , the student , could not have begun to agree to that , and of course the taxi driver would not have allowed him to .
28 This perhaps supports the criticism that the Queen 's advisers should not have allowed her to be urged into an immediate invitation to Lord Home and that she should have taken at least a little time fully to apprise herself of the changing political situation and of the views of the Conservative leadership , as it was then emerging .
29 But had the statement been plainly defamatory of Crozier , the court would have ordered the settlement to be postponed until after his trial , and may not have allowed it to be made at all under the cloak of absolute privilege .
30 While a splendid Gris , the 1912 gouache-pastel-charcoal ‘ Nature morte avec bouteille et cigares ’ ( est. $300,000–400,000 ) inexplicably sold under-estimate for $280,000 ( £155,600 ) the work 's severity may not have endeared it to many people the biggest surprise was the prices paid for the Legers , which came from all points of the artist 's career .
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