Example sentences of "not [vb infin] [adj] [noun pl] to " in BNC.

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1 The recruitment argument is spurious since our proposal does not affect any changes to the Grade 1 salary , or indeed those above , given that SMT salaries are not included in the SSC negotiations .
2 On capital grants they recommend that none should be given if the scheme is incompatible with conservation policy and that the withholding of grants should not oblige conservation authorities to otter a management agreement as at present .
3 I was very conscious that in my presence there it could n't be avoided , though , of course , the Methodist Church does not make any claims to priesthood for its ministry .
4 Most people do not want such offences to be tolerated .
5 He promised in the Chamber that he did not want any volunteers to be turned away from offering their service , and I am sure that he will do his best to keep that promise .
6 ‘ In the first place the complainant wished to remain anonymous and did not want formal proceedings to be taken against the shop , ’ he said .
7 Programming in C++ does not impart object-oriented characteristics to the product naturally .
8 We do not believe that such operations can be shown to meet our public transport target safety level , and it may be that some of our European colleagues do not consider such operations to be public transport , or do not apply the same target level of safety to such operations .
9 The European Court overrode Italian civil law and stated that it did not consider these posts to be in the public service .
10 A new Sunday shops trading bill , which Home Secretary Kenneth Clarke is expected to put before Parliament early next year , will apparently not include any changes to the current gaming laws .
11 It did not include any grants to the universities in Scotland , which are the responsibility of the DES ( HM Treasury , 1990 , Tables 15.1 , 15.2 and 21.4.12 ) .
12 Another implication of ( 16 ) , or ( 15 ) , is that , apart from questioning the adjective , the language would also provide a means to question the noun phrase alone while " leaving behind " the predicate qualifier ( even though one might not expect such questions to be particularly common in practice ) , and in fact such questions are perfectly grammatical : ( 21 ) who(m) did he paint seated ? what did he send registered ?
13 I would not expect these decisions to be uniform across the country because of different local circumstances and the likelihood of different clinical views on the efficacy of particular treatment .
14 A downturn is expected in 1993 since activity is anticipated to be lower as the company does not expect these contracts to be repeated .
15 They consider that there is no reason why parties should not expect fair procedures to be followed , and that the public law decision Ridge v Baldwin [ 1964 ] AC 40 applies the rules of natural justice to any person making a decision about individuals .
16 It did not matter two hoots to him that Blufton was not over-concerned with authentic period detail .
17 Those who are new to childminding can take a while to become established , however , so do not assume several vacancies to be a reflection on the childminder herself .
18 The 180 days being mooted is absurd and will not do any favours to clubs , players or , indeed , spectators .
19 We dybbuks have our ethics ; we do not do these things to one another .
20 Even so , he does not give any pointers to the Club 's originators .
21 Ordinary shares do not carry fixed returns to investors and do not have to be redeemed .
22 With the easy-to-use tapes that are available , decorative headings need not present any difficulties to the inexperienced needlewoman .
23 The only defect in Statutes in Force , apart from the fact that at the time of writing it is incomplete , is that it does not provide proper annotations to the statutes .
24 However , critics claimed that this scheme did not provide sufficient funds to those in real need .
25 They must not keep such gifts to themselves .
26 It was also revealed in a vision that the future pope should take the Church as his wife , and more such visions were experienced but , says the biographer , he refrains from recounting them because Lothar did not like such phenomena to be reported .
27 One should not attribute human qualities to natural phenomena , but in a strange way the gentleness with which Mt Pelee buried its victims seemed like a sort of atonement for their deaths .
28 The passage did not contain many clues to its overall theme .
29 As there is no Embassy of Taiwan in the UK , please do not copy any appeals to another embassy , as proposed on the letter writing page .
30 The Halifax increase takes effect from 1 November , but four-fifths of the society 's 1.6 million borrowers are on semi-fixed mortgages and will not face any changes to their monthly payments until 1 April next year .
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