Example sentences of "not [vb infin] [verb] them [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Charlwood was a widower with two teenage daughters and did not want to leave them for longer than necessary .
2 Surely she does not want to deprive them of these amenities ?
3 For them , the change in leadership and the promise of reform opened up opportunities denied to the Red Guard generation and they did not want to jeopardise them by becoming too involved in a politically orientated movement .
4 It must be for the local authorities , which have the statutory responsibilities , to take those responsibilities extremely seriously and I would not want to divorce them from the primary responsibility for undertaking those tasks .
5 And despite complaining about charges for dental checks , it would not consider removing them for years .
6 I think from the County Council 's point of view , the safeguard is there is no proposal to make those available for other spending within the committee and therefore , if hopefully we do not need to access them during the year , they are still available for Council in future years to , to meet other spending requirements .
7 In a free society , if trade unions want the rights of ownership , they can not expect to get them as a free gift and call it industrial democracy .
8 Your brother perhaps will not mind fetching them from the Commissariat .
9 King George V always had strong views as to who was suitable for which office , and did not hesitate to express them to his Prime Ministers .
10 The message from brokers is apply for shares , but do not look to hold them for the long term .
11 But to meet two gentlemen on the road — we would not hope to meet them off it .
12 Of course , you can not hope to provide them with everything they need , but you must try to provide something to encourage them to come to your microhabitat .
13 The Samaritans have threatened to call in the police if I do not stop pestering them with phone calls , and Alcoholics Anonymous refuse to come out for a drink and discuss my problem .
14 He did not stop to warn them of any of the unseen hazards he was first to discover .
15 For a long time I just could not face wearing them at home .
16 And why not have placed them for safe keeping in a pocket , satchel or valise ?
17 Bank CDs are negotiable pieces of paper ; you do not have to hold them to maturity ; you can sell them instead .
18 Both Mancetter and Oxfordshire are well inland for convenient harbours , but this may not have prevented them from using water-borne transport .
19 However , this has been used mainly for those whose crimes would not have sent them to prison anyway .
20 But perhaps he could not have attracted them to The Other Story .
21 Especially when Charity and her mother had done their very best to help with a problem that need not have concerned them at all .
22 Some of the water in very deep aquifers may not have entered them as rain .
23 Believing our intellectual abilities to be God-given , he presumably thought that , had they not been sufficient for our needs , God would not have supplemented them by innately endowing us with anything other than truth .
24 We do not have to follow them along that particular path to see that the question of definition is also raised by the examples I have briefly cited .
25 We want to provide for the children 's cognitive development , yet do not wish to assess them by something they are not fully competent in : the English language .
26 Do not attempt to organise them in any type of pattern other than under the major heading of asset or liability .
27 The half-day course on the Census introduces the problems but does not attempt to discuss them in depth .
28 Cable patterns draw the work in , do not attempt to introduce them into a pattern without working a tension sample first .
29 Do not try to form them into any sort of order ; merely pick them out and write them down .
30 We do not try to put them into a common framework , and it is difficult to conceive of any satisfactory empirical tests .
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