Example sentences of "not [vb infin] [pn reflx] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Student union leaders at both Liverpool and Liverpool John Moores Universities stressed that students should not make themselves a target by going out alone .
2 In verse and prose he was hell-bent on facing himself when things were out of joint ; the scalpel-probe is counterbalanced by the unlearned , incurious manner in which he found deepest ease and joy out of doors — a way of healing he had discovered early in life , although he did not consider himself a naturalist .
3 Other women in the narrative may not be friends , but are always constructed as rivals for male attention : ‘ She does not consider herself a beauty and this element is used to play off against the beauty of the other woman ( women ) … . ’
4 ‘ Why not give yourself a rest from it ? ’
5 The present churches are right to be concerned that many do not give themselves the opportunity to grow in any faith because apathy and false gods have moved into the vacuum that exists instead of a soul .
6 But we do not like to admit that we masturbate , because people might think that we can not get ourselves a man or a woman of our own .
7 By authorising force , the UN did not get itself a say in the running of the war .
8 It is very simple : the artist can not allow himself the luxury of letting himself be manipulated passively by our culture .
9 A man divided can not allow himself the luxury of complacency .
10 The courts should not deny themselves the light which Parliamentary materials may shed on the meaning of the words Parliament has used and thereby risk subjecting the individual to a law which Parliament never intended to enact .
11 The Manpower Services Commission 's YTS , launched in 1983 , is an official initiative on a very large scale , aimed at mitigating the crisis in vocational training by provision of a ‘ permanent bridge between school and work ’ for any young person who on leaving school does not find herself/himself a job or entry to full-time education .
12 Now he has revealed the mistakes that led to England 's early departure from the tournament , though fans might not find themselves a lot the wiser .
13 I ca n't make myself an exception .
14 ‘ I do n't consider myself an idiot and anyone who says I am does n't know what they 're talking about .
15 Do n't do yourself a damage . ’
16 Wonder we did n't do ourselves an injury , he was that much of an industrial hazard . ’
17 Needless to say , I did n't buy the memory expansion and did n't give myself a Christmas present .
18 ‘ You can see that he did n't give himself the time to finish it .
19 He does n't call himself a clerk though .
20 He could n't call himself a violinist , he says , because , for four years , his fiddle had only three strings , forcing him to virtuosic feats of improvisation .
21 Naîve as it may sound , Morrissey 's ideals ( which ran opposite to the ‘ If he does n't get himself a missus soon he 'll be left on the shelf … or he 's a pooftah … ’ mentality ) attracted many young admirers .
22 Girls who could n't get themselves a husband in this country were sent out to find one in the colonies and it seldom failed . ’
23 HEART-THROB movie star Kevin Costner could n't find himself a girlfriend as a teenager because he was too short and shy .
24 ‘ How I 'm thirty-eight and that if I do n't find myself a wife soon she 'll be too old to enjoy her grandchildren . ’
25 But it 's better than giving handouts to the real mother in the first place , because with kids round her apron she ca n't find herself a job .
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