Example sentences of "not [vb infin] [pos pn] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Though Premier John Major has said he will not sack his chancellor before the Spring Budget its is very likely he will be forced to dismiss him soon after .
2 Recognizing that authoritarians did not phrase their bigotry in unqualified statements , Adorno et al .
3 Charlotte did not phrase her response as a rebuke , but it had much the same effect .
4 For example , she was deeply opposed to opening in Manchester , as she did not think her type of customer lived there , but preferred to be associated with the older university towns or cathedral cities such as Bath or Edinburgh .
5 It does not cover your car for damage in an accident , therefore it is usually the sort of policy taken out by people with old cars .
6 In December 1977 the Headmistress of St Anselm 's School in Canterbury , one of Britain 's leading Roman Catholic Comprehensives , allowed a teacher who was a National Front candidate to continue in her post alter she had promised that her National Front views would not affect her treatment to black pupils .
7 Men blend their behaviour less than women , but their androgyny and blending do not affect their susceptibility to traditional gender schemas ( Heilbrun 1984 ) .
8 The background to its conclusion in 1933 did not affect its character as a concession agreement , and the United Kingdom remained a third party .
9 S -adenosylhomocysteine , a SAM analogue lacking the S -methyl group , and with a neutral rather than positively charged sulphur atom , binds to the repressor but does not affect its affinity for the operator ( T. McNally , personal communication ) .
10 The death of the Empress does not affect my opera in the least , for none of the theatres have been closed and plays are being performed as usual .
11 If the Royal Navy is patrolling Britain 's coastal waters , your consumption of national defence does not affect our quantity of national defence .
12 Ford later said that the Jaguar-GM talks had not affected its own plans ‘ Today 's announcement does not affect our view in any way , and we still plan to acquire up to a 15 per cent holding in Jaguar , ’ said a Ford spokesman in Detroit .
13 That does not affect our commitment to safety and it has nothing to do with privatisation .
14 Ending the agreement , whether by you or the Bank [ see Conditions 9 and 13 ] will not affect your responsibility for withdrawals made before the agreement is ended .
15 Money from a redundancy payment should not affect your right to this benefit .
16 Money from a redundancy payment should not affect your right to this benefit .
17 Money from a redundancy payment should not affect your right to this benefit .
18 Howard and colleagues do not compare their results with those of the pilot study , to whose success they owe their funding .
19 Dalyell did not pitch his ambitions at too lowly a level , telling the deputy of the Duke of Argyll that
20 Robyn generally favours loose dark clothes , made of natural fibres , that do not make her body into an object of sexual attention .
21 There is a pouched mouse in Australia , though in this case the resemblance is not so close and it does not make its living in quite the same way .
22 Rudolf Klein , in a remarkable about turn , concluded at the meeting at the Royal College of Physicians that , since purchasers can not make their decisions on rationing explicit , clinicians should make the decisions but make explicit whom they will not treat .
23 ‘ He would see no reason why we should not make our contribution to the royal coronation . ’
24 Why not make your visit to the theatre extra special , and spend a night at one of Scarborough 's best hotels ?
25 Why then did Anselm not make his support of Henry conditional on concessions for the liberty of the Church comparable to the charter of liberties which the baronage had obtained ?
26 He was gelded and given time to mature a little before being asked to race , and he did not make his debut until 23 February 1929 .
27 Evidently Anselm judged that he could not make his excommunication of the king effective if he stayed in Lyons , and he must move nearer to the scene of action .
28 She was about his age , and in the chronic torpid state that overcame him daily as he faced work , he could not make his embarrassment at her gesture connect with his limbs .
29 In particular , the Scotch whisky industry , with such a splendid export record , does not want its business to be run by politicians , who should only consume the stuff and not organise and manage the businesses .
30 When Val was gone , Roland realised , with a shock like a religious conversion , that he did not want their way of life to go on .
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