Example sentences of "not [vb infin] [pers pn] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I do not think we are under any duty to publish malicious gossip , ’ he said , ‘ which remains gossip however true it may be . ’
2 However , he did not think it was of formidable enough dimensions even to link the industrial towns of the North , let alone spearhead a wider rising .
3 But I do not think I am in the least inferior to those ‘ super-apostles ’ .
4 I — er — do not think she is in the best of spirits .
5 But to be told that he could not make it was to be told that this gift could disappear as unpredictably as it had arrived .
6 The popular notion that words do not hurt you is by no means endorsed among women survivors of male violence .
7 In other words , the very fact that we do not consider we are worth loving causes us to put up barriers that ensure people will not have the opportunity to love us .
8 But they did not know they were to be presented with tickets to whisk two people off to Claridge 's .
9 John Coffin did not know he was on the wrong side yet , not having so far met Rose Hilaire , but he too realized that there might be a fight ahead .
10 The latter may simply reply that he does not feel it is in the public 's interest , or that the Police Authority does not strictly require it to effectively carry out its duties .
11 ‘ I do not believe you are from Horemheb .
12 When the cup was broken , they would remember it being on the table , but when it was on the table , they would not remember it being on the floor .
13 And a few years later , when Edwin Hubble found that nearly all other galaxies are flying away from our own , he correctly reasoned that this did not mean we were at the centre of the Universe .
14 ‘ Just because they have had a slow start , it does not mean they are in trouble , ’ said Porterfield .
15 Just because he knew about her it did not mean he was at all reliable .
16 I did not mean you were in danger .
17 Crowds of chanting protestors gathered in the town centre as the 65-year-old Edinburgh man addressed a bunch of supporters at the King 's Head Hotel which did not realise it was to be the BNP 's venue .
18 But I would not say he was beyond revenge . ’
19 As Di Webster reports from Singapore , if you do n't flush you 're in hot water .
20 No cos it wer No it 's just the fact she wants to go to a veterinary nurse you see , I wanted t them Do n't want her be in contact with too many animals in case they have s do n't wan na get .
21 So you do n't want you 're in the morning ?
22 Do n't think we 're against generosity
23 I think I I I do n't think we 're in treason of the truth .
24 I meant to tell you that we are taking an increasing interest in energy conservation matters , but I do n't think we are on your mailing list for news , press releases etc .
25 I do n't think they 're in it to make zillions and zillions of pounds , I think they 're in it to make great records .
26 I do n't think they 're in any rush to develop now , are they cos this housing business is so poor .
27 They went all the way by car and she does n't think they were on the road very long .
28 I did n't think they were like that , did you , these satellites ?
29 I did n't think they were in a big way
30 I do n't think she 's on here , we only had
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