Example sentences of "not [vb infin] [pers pn] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 They might not make 'em on a Sunday
2 ‘ I no longer want full government funding from a government that is going to be dictatorial as hell , which is not to say I would not prefer it under a government of a different kind . ’
3 Unlike the other more senior competitors for the approval of the leader , she did not treat him as a fellow professional or even a well-informed client .
4 I 'm grateful that you listen to him , and do not treat him like a fool just because he is old . ’
5 ‘ You need not treat me like a half-witted child ! ’
6 Do not treat me like an idiot . ’
7 In Ball , above , the court mentioned the " aimed at " doctrine but did not treat it as a separate element .
8 I neither would nor could have murdered him , but I do not regard him as a loss . ’
9 The courts recognise these limitations , which are inherent in any system of taking evidence abroad ahead of the trial , but can not regard them as a sufficient objection to the making of the order .
10 She has always been kindness itself to me , but I have a feeling in my bones that she would not regard me as a wholly reliable supporter .
11 That is not the proposition , but the fact that one does not ban it does not mean that , with the knowledge that we now possess , we do not regard it as a debilitating and dangerous influence on society , and especially young people .
12 To know he had considered her ‘ special ’ was satisfying , but she did not regard it as a signal to fall headlong into his arms .
13 For example , it could be argued that ‘ photograph ’ may be divided into two independent words , ‘ photo ’ and ‘ graph ’ ; yet we usually do not regard it as a compound , but as an affix word .
14 Cunningham 's chummy dropping of the ‘ Mr ’ from his name did not fool him for a moment : the withdrawn and irascible figure he had encountered in mid-afternoon was nearer the soul of this man than mine accommodating and smiling host of the Skein of Geese 's oak-panelled restaurant .
15 She thought of Giles Carnaby both continuously and not at all ; he was permanently in the head , but as some unavoidable elemental force — she could not consider him as a person , reflect upon character or deeds .
16 Wessex region would not recognise me as a senior registrar until the college 's approval had been received .
17 If this was n't enough , the state does not recognise you as a mother until you are sixteen , when you are eligible to claim supplementary benefit , maternity grant and milk and vitamin tokens .
18 The difference was that until 1688 loans had been made directly to the King : he ran the government as an extension of his private household and , although he was the richest individual in the country , he was in many ways just a private borrower like any other and a prudent lender would not trust him with a loan that would run for a long time .
19 However , the optical properties of a simple calcite lens in contact with water are such that it transmits light in a diffused way and can not bring it to a sharply focused point .
20 Clearly Parliament would last its full five years and the Government could not bring it to a premature end .
21 Indeed , the fact that he did not refer her to a different psychiatrist convinced me for a long time that I had misconstrued the situation .
22 ( iii ) It is important that pupils working towards level 7 and beyond have increasing opportunities to use spoken Standard English , and in particular that those who do not speak it as a native dialect should be helped to extend their language competence so that they can use Standard English with confidence .
23 His handful of Masses , three of them ‘ parodies ’ of motets by his teacher Mouton , do not show him as an innovator .
24 But no one has yet been able to identify ‘ extra ’ income , and enterprises do not show it as a separate category .
25 If Sartre 's endeavour to ground the Marxist science of history suggests that the Hegelian totality and continuum can only work by a continual labour of excluding the partial and discontinuous , Althusser 's effort to constitute a differentiated history shows that you can not do it without a teleology .
26 Yet I recently visited a hi-tech company which was fully conversant with activity-based costing yet did not do it on a regular annual basis .
27 Do they not do it on a Thursday ?
28 It is because of this fact , that ‘ DEAC ’ the manufacturer states that if a battery is being discharged at the 110 rate you should not discharge it to a voltage of less than 1.1 volts per cell .
29 If we were to refer to the light , we would not associate it with an individual object .
30 So do strong aggressive animals which are well able to protect their babies even if they do not deposit them in a den deep underground .
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